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RockyG666 64M
1645 posts
8/12/2021 8:01 am

Last Read:
1/21/2022 2:28 pm

i got gyros from amazon

jewel has NO gyros meat. so i got gyros meat from amazon

amazon sucks!

it finally came, but they did NOT ring my bell. so i get it free!

it was ok and it was free, so i am SO good

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
8/27/2021 5:23 pm

*I wonder if 666 is dead by now. Hope so. Then, other actual Christians can come in, blog, frequent the blogs again.*

do i somehow keep people from visiting other blogs?

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
9/2/2021 4:05 am

that batch SO wants me

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
9/18/2021 3:41 am

sorry i only date women that are within 10 years or within 20 miles of me

SayWhat 72F
126 posts
9/18/2021 10:41 am

    Quoting  :

No thanks, your teeny dick is way too small and limp.

SayWhat 72F
126 posts
9/18/2021 10:45 am

Oh yeah, I really jones for crazy, crippled, pothead dudes in wheelchairs.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
9/19/2021 6:21 am

imma not in a wheel chair!!

estherwijk 45F

9/24/2021 6:19 am

that's nice.. so how's your day going?

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
10/1/2021 7:56 am

i am NOT

Ms_Sugarbritches 64F
10 posts
1/6/2022 9:57 am

Hey Rocky, if you play your cards right, saywhat will take out her teeth for you. Just keep on chatting with her & she’ll come around.

By the way, saywhat keeps checking out our profiles so that makes her a fan.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
1/7/2022 1:39 pm

say what is a crazy batch.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
1/9/2022 12:02 pm

what does sugar britches mean?