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Blogs > RockyG666 > god's servant's blog |
give me pot dr.! 6//2020 I have been having trouble keeping my balance lately. I lost my balance and fell at least once. And I have been having a lot of pain in my legs too. I don’t remember if it was you, or my previous dr. who suggested marijuana to relieve some of the pain, but I tried to do it online and it was a scam. They took $300 from my credit? Leafwell, They are emailing me now: “Okay. If you could please provide me with the last 4 digits of your card so I can remove the hold.” Can you help me get a marijuana card, or recommend another drug that might help me keep my balance and deal with the pain? I am also having a LOT of trouble with my bph and unable to see ANY dr. for that. My last appointment to you got cancelled due to covid. I am kind of out there on my own? I can NOT talk on the phone I get too anxious. HELP!!! |
i got a letter from illinois that you need to be a genius to follow ONLINE INSTRUCTIONS: Web link to apply online: be on PC or laptop, NOT cell phone compatible or Ipad/tablets. Works best Google Chrome, Internet Explorer. Collectthe following documents to scan onto the computer:All paper documents must be scannedin PDF format and photos must be scanned in jpeg format QUALIFYING PATIENTS – • Color copy of your Illinois Driver’s License or State ID (which matches the address on your application). If the driver’s license address is not current, then two (2) additional proofs of residency are required from list: Proof of residency-Proof of residency must include name and address and match the address on the application • Pay stub or electronic deposit receipt, issued less than 60 days prior to the application date, that shows evidence of withholding for State income tax • Valid voter registration card with an address in Illinois • Deed/title, mortgage or rental/lease agreement; property tax bill; • Bank statement (dated less than 90 days prior to application) or credit card statement (dated less than 60 days prior to application) • Insurance policy (current coverage for automobile, homeowner's, health or medical, or renter's); • Medical claim or statement of benefits (from a hospital or health clinic, private insurance company or public (government agency dated less than 12 months prior to application) • Tuition invoice/official mail from college or university, dated less than the 12 months prior to application • Utility bill, including, but not limited to, those for electric, water, refuse, telephone landline, cellular phone, cable or gas, issued less than 60 days prior to application • W-2 from the most recent tax year • 2” x 2” color passport photo, taken within the last 30 days, you can go to Walgreens, CVS. *Note Tip-Do not stand in front of a door, also we must be able to see your eyes, no shadowing. • Copy of your Social Security Benefits Verification Letter or DD214, if requesting a reduced fee *Note Tip- Do not submit Benefit Amount Letter, that is not the correct form. If you use to receive SSDI but have aged out and now receive Retirement benefits, we will need a letter stating that at one time your benefits were due to disability. • Physician Certification, completed within 90 days of your application or renewal, and provided to you by your doctor or 12 months of health records from a VA facility. o If you have a Waiver for an Increased Amount, a new one must be submitted again with your Physician Certification at the time of applying online. • Credit, debit or pre-paid credit card for payment. o The State of Illinois charges a convenience fee for e-payments which will be added to your fee.
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i *finally* got an answer from my doctor TODAY!! i supposedly have a letter in the mail that will get me a card. and i supposedly have and appt. soon
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i think i am getting some soon (see my last post). if i can afford it
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i have EVERYTHING I need to get it here. it is just red tape