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slandered by someone at BC? (flippant faith) ![]() this is a follow up on my last post. somebody has contacted the seminary i attended and told them that i am harassing them. while i fully admit that i am sometimes a buttwipe, i am very certain i am not harassing anyone. i really hope it is marky, because i have already weathered his stalking slander and it doesn't have any substance to it to worry about. on the other hand, i really would rather the seminary did not review me here at BC. for starters, the 666 on my name will be viewed as bad, and i don't really look forward to trying to explain my sordid sense of humor to scholarly pastors. not to mention, i am sure there are a few posts on this blog that will raise thier eyebrows some. meow has already condemned me. he says this is my punishment for my "flippant faith." firstly, it rains on the just and the unjust pete. god never punishes us specificially in this life. the wages of sin is death. secondly, my faith is anything but flippant. i love god and his word with all my heart and soul and they are the reason for my life. even though i am often a little harsh in the name of humor, i NEVER joke about the gospel. it is everything to me. i try to serve god and my brothers (and sisters) 24/7 in my life. that i like to laugh at myself and others, and that i question everything is not "flippant." it is REAL dude. most of the other people here PRETEND to be all prim and polite but are hiding thier real selfs behind pretty painted personas. i mite be ugly on the outside, but i am all gushy and cream filled on the inside. in any case, i have decided to push the envelope instead of waiting around for the bureaucrats to hang me out to dry. i compiled an email of all of the email corespondance regarding this 'harassment issue' and sent it to EVERY email address at the school i have. which is at least a couple dozen. i premised it with this: To Whom It May Concern: xxxxxxxxxxxxx continues to harass me over online heresay even after I clearly demanded him to cease and desist and to contact legal authorities. He has made several veiled threats against me. I am disabled and he is causing me undue stress. If he continues to contact me about this matter without legal authorities, I will file criminal charges. The saddest part of all of this is that I have been begging someone at xxxxxxxxxxx to consider my illness and grant my degree for the past year and NOBODY has addressed my concerns and complaints. This feels as if Mr. xxxxxxxx is trying to sweep me under the rug. Thank You. ok, ok. it is a little over the top and i am leaning on the disabled thing a little heavily, but this is war. i have to cover my butt. at the very least, it will insure that they have real proof before they railroad me for these bogus harassment charges. it will also make them very leary about railroading me at all. putting the light onto shady dealings is a double edged sword. if they can come up with ANYTHING verifyable about me, i am history. i have turned the on the light on my own life as well, which has more than a few shady sides to it. i am happy in any case. now my plight is out there and everybody knows it. nobody can make stuff up and use it to hurt me. if they don't come up with any real dirt on me, it might even lead to me FINALLY getting my degree. thank you marky |
hi free. i have been thinking a lot on what happened to you in cali. i think this is more than a little like that. i think that shining a light on the whole thing was a win/win for me. i got to remind everyone i am sick and still waiting for my degree, AND so i get to get more than one control freak's singleminded agenda as an option. whatever happens, they are going to be VERY careful to be fair and to APEAR to be in god's will. i am pretty sure this was a political plan. they took the opportunity of having a bogus complaint against me, and were going to use it to sweep me under the rug. now they can't do that, even if it is a valid complaint, which it isn't. i am also pretty sure i foiled thier plan pretty good. ![]()
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marky. i really hope it IS you because you don't have squat for evidence. i have never even done anything to you? also, if it is you and i can get you to recant i would be golden. freebie. cool, i didn't know you came out on top. the way i see this, is that at least everything is above board now. whatever may happen, i won't just be in limbo wondering if anybody is even considering my problems or not. they have to do SOMETHING to address all this now.
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pete, i love you man, but i am sick of your judgemental bullflop. worry about the 2 x 4 in your own nose ![]() it says differently on the men's room wall. ![]()