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RockyG666 64M
1645 posts
1/14/2014 12:46 pm

Last Read:
1/16/2014 8:08 pm

what the wha?

saturday afternoon i opened the church from the inside and stepped out onto the walk. i don't usually open it from the inside, there is a padlock outside, but i had forgotten to lock the padlock on friday night.

it was unseasonably warm out and people were out all over the place. we have one of those double wide sidewalks of the inner city commercial districts and people were walking by. a young black woman walked by and did a double take on me. then she said "hello beautiful."

i looked around to see if someone was behind me, but nobody. i smiled embarassed and shook my head 'no.' she walked up to me really closely and smiled into my face. she said "can i come in?"

i looked at her more investigatively. she looked maybe 20 something, younger than my daughters. she looked really dirty, like dirt dirt. her clothes were dirt dirty and her face was smudged with dirt too. she looked as if she had been horizontal in the street for a time. she was obviously not doing real good.

i asked her if she was hungry and she said yes. she followed me into the church at my nod and to the goody cabinet. i keep munchies and beverages on hand for friday nights. mostly hostess junk and candy, but i try to get some healthier nut bars and fruit cups and stuff too. nobody ever eats it.

i let her take anything she wanted, which was a LOT and then yelled at her for coming on to strangers. i warned her that she would bite off more than she could chew. that i knew more dead hustlers than live ones. i told her god loves her just the way she is. she took her spoils and left smiling. i locked both locks and wondered what the wha is going out there.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
1/15/2014 1:06 pm

people always come down on me for being real with people. i think blue hair here calls me 'caustic.' i really believe that being REAL, not pretending to be all polite and propper, but just being RAW & REAL is REALLY important.

the lost don't need fakey fakey nice nice, and then turned backs. the lost need REAL people they can identify with. the lost need to see someone who was once as lost as they are that has come through to the other side in christ. REAL people do NOT trust fake nice nice. i do NOT trust fake nice nice.

christ NEVER faked it. he tolt people what he thought of them straight up. he confronted authority (pharisees, judges, etc.) and when someone was doing wrong he stepped up. he kicked ass in the temple. that was not fake nice nice at all, on ANY level.