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Urban_Hermit 70M
123 posts
9/22/2018 4:21 am
Just seeing what happens.

There's no posts up so I thought I'd put one up to see if it shows up.

Not much activity here on a Christian site, seems like an indication of a declining Christianity in the Western world in general.

Last Days are approaching, Israel is a nation, its enemies have encircled it. it's land mass is only 1,000th of the world's land mass yet takes up 3/4 of the U.N.'s time. Cashless society is being talked about more and more. The Ecumenical movement is threatening the true church, no doubt the true church will get persecuted soon not wanting to join their 'false unity' for the sake of 'peace'. Jesus came to bring division.

I got a surprise when I read 1 Cor 11:19 "For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you."

That gave me food for thought, a lot of rubbish from TV preachers is filtering into the church. It needs to be confronted. I have been raising heretical issues that are creeping in and I'm not popular. Was told by the pastor not to be contentious. What? Since when is truth contentious? It's all provable. But the friends I'm making are gold.

Judgement Day will be interesting.

Urban_Hermit 70M
319 posts
9/22/2018 4:22 am

What do you think?

Judgement Day will be interesting.

Urban_Hermit 70M
319 posts
9/22/2018 4:42 am

Oh and by the way, be careful. It says in 2 Cor 4:11 "For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him."

Beware false doctrine, it's rife. Not every 'Jesus' preached is the real Jesus. The J.W. Jesus, the Mormon Jesus, the Catholic Jesus and many other false Christs are all different to the Biblical Jesus, they are a 'different gospel'. The antichrist spirit is behind them. How are they different, well to be short, the J.W. Jesus is the Archangel Michael (I dont know how they figure that), the Mormon Jesus is the half brother of Satan (I dont know how they figure that either) and did Jesus' blood atone for our sins on the cross as the Scripture says or do you have to atone for your own in Purgatory? (which doesnt exist which means the Catholic Christ's sacrifice is insufficient) Also Mary's conception was not immaculate. She states in;

Luke 1:46-47 "46 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

So Mary needs a Saviour too, she said so. A different Mary to the Catholic one then.

Judgement Day will be interesting.

Sojourner06 60M
1768 posts
9/26/2018 3:01 am

    Quoting  :

- Looking at the signature makes it easy to know who is handling this handle.

Previous experience shows this handle has only come for stirring up trouble and insulating others.

Soon we'll all be told how we are not following Jesus and we are ALL in the ditch...

White noise. All it is and will ever be!



I Can Explain It To You, But I Can’t Understand It For You

Good News For Christian Man ABP


Sojourner06 60M
1768 posts
9/28/2018 7:09 am

    Quoting  :

Not even your shades looks good, so what's to get jealous about?

You're only trying to stir up some trouble. Find a kid your own size.



I Can Explain It To You, But I Can’t Understand It For You

Good News For Christian Man ABP


Sojourner06 60M
1768 posts
9/28/2018 7:44 am

    Quoting  :

... and regarding your shades: siyah erkek güneş gözlüğü.

Or more precisely where you stole the photo you use as profile photo......



I Can Explain It To You, But I Can’t Understand It For You

Good News For Christian Man ABP


Chris4Christ 59M
118 posts
10/13/2018 7:44 pm

Urban_Hermit - I haven't been on here in quite some time, because frankly the site became very boring and I had other things in my personal life that required my attention.

The blog posts now are very infrequent and usually penned by the same few members.
Over that past year+ that have popped in (during various days and times of day) to the site, there's literally no one in the chat rooms.

That's not to say that's why everyone else is M.I.A., but I would imagine there are many who no longer enjoy this site for similar reasons.

The infighting between members and individuals like HumbleMumbler stirring up trouble is another reason that I don't frequent the site anymore.
I've just tired of dealing with the immaturity.

pureinheart777 74F

10/29/2018 4:57 pm

totally agree with you and i'm preparing for whats ahead of us,i'm looking to do things here with other people in my community.theres not many of them ,but we all have the same mindset.
i wish you were here with us to challenge us and get us going as we prepare for living off the grid.what a shame your not looking for a partner as your the very few type a good woman is looking blessed in jesus name from marion in mount perry queensland australia.