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my picker's broke
Posted:Mar 30, 2009 1:41 pm
Last Updated:Feb 8, 2025 3:54 am

This is like no personals verbage you have EVER seen! I am a writer, so you are going to be reading more of a story about me than anything else. I might even use this as the beginning of my first novel because the truth is indeed stranger than fiction!

I've been trying to look at even work as play lately. As far as play is concerned, didn't God say in the bible that we are to be like the little ? Once they've been fed and have shelter, to Play is what they just naturally do! Adults just tend to just have different toys... (Each other instead of Barbie dolls.... LOL!)

Feel free to send a reply or leave me a message at 541-938-TREE ... I am an arborist is why I have that kind of a phone #. NOT an "abortist" as one Newspaper mis-printed it in my ad when I first moved back to this area 9 years ago! The calls I got from that were interesting to say the least! I live now in Milton-Freewater, where I grew up, and the women from here have all either moved or married as soon as they escaped high school... with the few exceptions that are 300 lbs +, drug addicted, or committed lesbian... I you not! I am actually intrigued by a woman who is "bi", but I am not too fond of the totally "butch" type. (I would LOL about that except that sadly enough, it is pretty much how it is here.) As far as intelligent conversation, I live alone with Rudy, my who howls at me whenever I promise to take him fishing. He must still remember the last time... LOL Forgive me if I sound a little dramatic here, but my life has been like the best seller you just can't put down! None-the-less, I really do believe everything I've been through has been carefully "arranged" so that I will have been "prepared" by God to become the kind of man my soulmate must be praying for and she must be just about as close to resignation to living life alone instead of settling for less. I've been single 8 years now and I am starting to wonder why God figured I needed that much "fixing" before we meet! (LO But it's his show now because I have been forced to finally admit "my picker's broke!" Finding the right woman is much simpler when I realized I just have write this, wait, and pray. THIS time I am committed to spend the rest of my life alone rather than have that unsettled feeling that tells me I getting involved and seeing signs it isn't right. I have got a God who specializes in making good things come out of even my worst mistakes. He's proved he can do that no matter how many wrong turns I take in the journey of life. This makes me wonder how amazed I could be if I actually let him driving! LOL You are reading the result!

I was married twice, 7 years the first time, 14 the second time... Maybe 28 or more is possible if the third time really is a charm... My first wife moved in with the "ounce man" while I spent two weeks in a hospital waitng for them to amputate an arm... They saved the arm, it's fine, and I raised our two myself from then on because her dope dealer boyfriend she was "in love" with didn't want in diapers in the way of customers. I abondoned my tree service in Sacramento, gave away my collection of 48 to 51, 5 window cab, Chevy trucks and left town 26 hours after I got out of the hospital. I moved to Seattle and started another tree service, re-married and raised 4 more ...(6 total). Mine, hers, and "ours". All 6 are now grown now and doing great! I was paralyzed from the waist down in 1992, and told I'd never walk again, but God had other plans... I am a living, breathing, walking, miracle who really is kind of like the 6 million dollar man in real life...better than before! LOL! I can actually run faster, (not 60 miles per hour though), and climb trees better than before, believe it or not! I made a lot of promises to God on the eigth floor of Harborview that I have not forgotten, so I try to remind myself to hold on to an "attitude of grattitude" no matter what. Tougher than it sounds, but just takes determination to pick yourself up one more time no matter how far or often you fall.

Been through a lot of incredible things in life, and I guess it's finally time for the treeman to become the writer he was supposed to be a long time ago... My mother was sure before she died that I would become a famous author, but I fooled her, me, and everyone! I turned down a national merit scholarship to the U of O Robert D Clark Honor's college. A full ride scholarship... (I was at or above the 98th percentile across the board on my SAT's, and was Editor of a high school paper that won a couple of national awards for stories I wrote.) I did finally go to college, but not till almost 20 years later. But we all know how dumb most smart people are, HUH! I guess I am the classic example of just how true that is...(A few years ago I got attatched to a woman and her two and took her back 15 times in 16 months even though she lied constantly and stole thousands of dollars for her drug habit. Each time she was able to make me believe it was behind her forever. Tell me that wasn't the stupidity to the extreme! I like to believe I'm wiser now, but it left me a little "gun-shy", and I haven't even dated since. Alas... I digress! But if You've ever been stupid, I CAN relate!) I have went from successful tree service owner to broke and starting over then back several times in my life... My pattern was to get established doing well, then give it all away, move a thousand miles, and start the whole thing over about every 7 years or so... No wonder I wound up single...! My second wife was actually a good woman who just needed a little more stability in her life... When the were finally grown, She just decided 14 years was enough of that, went back to Seattle and found herself a nice boring vegetable salesman and appears to be happy. As for me... It took a long time for me to get over that divorce, and I really don't understand why. (and neither do my ) A man who was always a "go-getter" just kind of crawled under a rock for almost 10 years, (a blanket actually my dad says... LO. But I am enthused about life again, and there's still time to change the world... (How's that for a lofty goal!) Grandma Jones was a sheep herder in the Blues as a little girl and I remember she used to tell me "aim high...shoot low"... Not exactly sure what it means but it sounds like good advice! They say better late than never, and when there is an easy way, somehow I invariably find the alternate path... but I somehow get there!

Better late than never, though, and I did write a a couple thousand poems, songs, and short stories that I could sell if I just didn't hate to type! I have written stuff Tim Mcgraw would be perfect for, and songs that Michael W. Smith would probably ampute an body part to sing if he read it, but I have been just haven't started till now to do anything with the boxes of handwritten words... Out of that 2,000 or more I have managed now to type up about 40 or 50 in the last few months, but am not sure yet where to submit that kind of stuff...(Hey God... could you maybe send a woman who likes to type, is sexually insatiable, and has a sense of humor? Oops... I forgot I promised not to tell you how to do your job.) I am, however, convinced that this is the "year of Jubilie" for me though and this is a world that DOES need changed! If you know what the "year of Jubilee" IS then you may just be heaven sent! If you don't... find out. You might be about ready for yours! I have been alone long enough! My faithfull dog, "delivered" in birth by his master in Wyoming is 15 now and barely holding on... but winter is almost over now... (In more ways than one!), and I have always been very much a summer person. I am sure I must be one of those people who suffers from SAD, (seasonal affective disorder) in the foggy winters here and should have moved South or bought those "full spectrum lights" every year at about the time of Holloween so I wouldn't pawn $10,000.00 worth of guitars, chainsaws, etc. every winter and loose to the pawn shop just to replace again the following spring. It could safely be said that I am more the "grasshopper" type as opposed to the "ant" kind when it comes to things like money... (note to God... she needs to be the "ant" kind and handle the money... {IF that's OK with you, God}). When my ex took over handling the money for the tree service in Seattle it went from a struggling, "fly by night" kind of thing to Seattle's second largest in less than 2 years...The downfall of which is the stuff of legend in Seattle, even to this day!

Seattle... there's at least another book of two there, but the short version is that Cocaine "discovered" me and ultimately took virtually everthing but my life, before it was finished with me... my tree service, my sanity, $7.5 MILLION, and almost my life before I woke up and found myself pulling green chain at a saw mill in -60 degree weather, (with the wind chill), for $8.75 an hour a thousand miles away in Saratoga, Wyoming so I could feed the and keep a roof over thier heads. (Did I mention how much I hate winter?) I always managed to make a living trimming trees year round all my life till Wyoming, but if you cut branches from the top of a tree in Wyoming in the winter the branches probably don't hit the ground till somewhere in Nebraska. Gave me a chance to try a few new things for a while though...(I always try to see the bright side!). One winter I became a 7-11 store manager of two stores at once... The bad side of that is that at nearly 120 hours a week, and being on salary, it worked out be about $1.75 an hour, (about a third of what my mininum wage employees made per hour, but I got to call myself "manager"). Unfortunately though, I never got to see my family much when I had that job. Now I know why 7-11's are everywhere I go... After that... I became a "correctional officer" at the state pen but burned out pretty quick on guarding guys I used to "party" and having to pretend I didn't know them anymore... LOL It was the "guards" I worked with who forgot they were human and got the "I'm God" complex when they wore a uniform, NOT the inmates that made me quite that job. I did kind of like how I looked in a uniform though!

After that worked on an oil rig in even more miserable cold. No more winters in Wyoming for me! EVER! I even became a grave digger for a while, and learned that sometimes, when broke and lonely people die, no one even cares enough to show up or buy a casket! They are buried in a cardboard box the county provides and the grave diggers become kind of "emergency preachers" so that at least someone says a few words to God on their behalf before the dirt goes in! This particular cemetary lost all the records and most of the wooden markers in a fire about 50 years before I came along, so it was not unusual to dig up a batch of bones in a "forgotten" plot I was excavating for the freshly dead. We would just discreetly hid the original remains till the service was over and put the old bones back in before we lowered the coffin. I Didn't figure they'd mind much doubling up. I learned a deeper meaning to the Randy Travis song... "Diggin Up Bones". The one I remember most was a little baby girl buried back in the days when settlers went West on the old Oregon trail to start thier new lives. This little girl didn't survive the journey and was buried with all kinds of ribbons, toys, and girl stuff she wouldn't need where she was going, but I remember that I tried to arrange it as much as possible like it was when I found it... Life was rough back then. It's funny how death can make you look at life in such a different way... I used to joke that it was dangerous to become my friend because my "best friend" has died young in an auto accidents and been replaced several times now by a new "best friend". I now reserve that term for only Jesus so I don't ever loose my best friend again!

This is a good place to stop... by now I've scared away the weak and faint of heart, but my soul mate will be intrigued, though she's noticed enough "red flags" that she is skeptical but thinks further investigation might be justified... You Go Girl!

Nothing truly worthile is easy and I might be mechanic's special you should have scrapped...
but I MIGHT be a rusty restoration project that becomes the priceless classic you never even dreamed to find...
maybe it's just a coat of paint, a key, and an oil change away?
Go ahead... kick the tires!
The ball is in YOUR court now...

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