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Meriam's Guy

Why are Christians "One Trick Ponies"
Posted:Jan 4, 2008 4:06 pm
Last Updated:Jan 6, 2008 4:46 am

I dont think Mike Huckabee is going to get the Republican nomination. But It really bothers me that Christians are behind this man because he is a Christian and against abortion.

I listened to him on the Sean Hannity show today. I was on the way home. He spun almost every question and is good at it. But he didnt answer questions.

Mike Huckabee is a huckster. He plays to the people. I wish he would let Mark Levin interview him because he would catch him on all of his spins and destroy him.

Being a Christian does not mean you are qualified people. A lot is at stake. We have a good economy because tax cuts allow people to use and spend their own money. It brings in more overall revenue than the taxes do because more is being spent and more taxes brought in because of it.

One of the things today Mike Huckabee was asked about was school vouchers for to be able to attend alternative schools. He went on to say that it is a state to satate issue and should be dealt with that way.

There is one problem with that. The public school sysytems are not state run. They are a federalizised system. He knows that. Yet his spin was to push the issue away.

In the United States, the law says that an illegal imigrant that is here is illegal. That is the law. People breaking that law are criminally wrong. Yet Mr Huckabee says it is ok to use tax dollars of legal US citizens to help pay for illegal students to go to college. Yet this man claims to have a hard stance on immigration and protecting the borders and the interests of the people.

He claims to be a conservative, yet raises taxes which is not conservative at all. He wants committees to come up with solutions that includes more beaurocracy. That is not the conservative way either. It is big government.

Many people are calling him a Republican Jimmy Carter because he plays up to everyone. He is caught in flip flops and he does not answer questions in an honest and direct way. Yet because he believes in Jesus Christ, christians flock to him despite his bad ideas regarding the war, economics where he is a disaster and he has no experience in foreign policy whatsoever.

Wake up Christians.

Fred Thompson is an awesome candidate. He has all of his plans layed out on his website.

Mit Romney is a mormon and he is much more qualified than Mike Huckabee

Duncan Hunter is a Christian and he is very qualified to be President. Look at his voting record.

Last night after the voting Huckabee's campaign manager went on a rant that should tell you what Huckabee is all about. He isnt a man of integrity and he has no leadership skills whatsoever, but he is a snake oil salesman.
Carl Jung and "Christianity"
Posted:Jan 4, 2008 5:18 am
Last Updated:Jan 4, 2008 3:02 pm

Carl G. Jung's Legacy to the Church

The overwhelming majority of Christians have probably never heard of C. G. Jung, but his influence in the church is vast and affects sermons, books, and activities, such as the prolific use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBT by seminaries and missionary organizations. A current, popular example of Jung's legacy can be seen in Robert Hicks's book The Masculine Journey, which was given to each of the 50,000 men whoattended the 1993 Promise Keepers conference. Christians need to learn enough about Jung and his teachings to be warned and wary.

Jung's legacy to "Christian psychology" is both direct and indirect. Some professing Christians, who have been influenced by Jung's teachings, integrate aspects of Jungian theory into their own practice of psychotherapy. They may incorporate his notions regarding personality types, the personal unconscious, dream analysis, and various archetypes in their own attempt to understand and counsel their . Other Christians have been influenced more indirectly as they have engaged in inner healing, followed 12-step programs, or taken the MBTI, which is based on Jung's personality types and incorporates his theories of introversion and extroversion.

Jung and Freud

Jung's legacy has not enhanced Christianity. From its inception psychotherapy has undermined the doctrines of Christianity. Sigmund Freud's attitudes towards Christianity were obviously hostile, since he believed that religious doctrines are all illusions and labeled all religion as "the universal obsessional neurosis of humanity."1 His one-time follower and colleague Carl Jung, on the other hand, may not be quite as obvious in his disdain for Christianity. However, his theories have disdainfully diminished Christian doctrines by putting them at the same level as those of all religions.

While Jung did not call religion a "universal obsessional neurosis," he did view all religions, including Christianity, to be collective mythologies - not real in essence, but having a real effect on the human personality. Dr. Thomas Szasz describes the difference between the psychoanalytic theories of the two men this way: "Thus in Jung's view religions are indispensable spiritual supports, whereas in Freud's they are illusory crutches."2 While Freud argued that religions are delusionary and therefore evil, Jung contended that all religions are imaginary but good. Both positions are anti-Christian; one denies Christianity and the other mythologizes it..

After reading Freud's Interpretation of Dreams, Jung contacted Freud and a friendship with mutual admiration ensued and lasted about eight years. Even though Jung had served four years as the first president of the International Psychoanalytic Association, the break between Jung and Freud was complete. Jung departed from Freud on a number of points, particularly Freud's theory. In addition, Jung had been developing his own theory and methodology, known as analytical psychology.

The Collective Unconscious

Jung taught that the psyche consists of various systems including the personal unconscious with its complexes and a collective unconscious with its archetypes. Jung's theory of a personal unconscious is quite similar to Freuds creation of a region containing a person's repressed, forgotten or ignored experiences. However, Jung considered the personal unconscious to be a "more or less superficial layer of the unconscious." Within the personal unconscious are what he called "feeling-toned complexes." He said that "they constitute the personal and private side of psychic life."3 These are feelings and perceptions organized around significant persons or events in the person's life.

Jung believed that there was a deeper and more significant layer of the unconscious, which he called the collective unconscious, with what he identified as archetypes, which he believed were innate, unconscious, and generally universal. Jung's collective unconscious has been described as a "storehouse of latent memory traces inherited from man's ancestral past, a past that includes not only the racial history of man as a separate species but his pre-human or animal ancestry as well."4 Therefore, Jung's theory incorporates Darwin's theory of evolution as well as ancient mythology. Jung taught that this collective unconscious is shared by all people and is therefore universal. However, since it is unconscious, not all people are able to tap into it. Jung saw the collective unconscious as the foundational structure of personality on which the personal unconscious and the ego are built. Because he believed that the foundations of personality are ancestral and universal, he studied religions, mythology, rituals, symbols, dreams and visions. He says:

All esoteric teachings seek to apprehend the unseen happenings in the psyche, and all claim supreme authority for themselves. What is true of primitive lore is true in even higher degree of the ruling world religions. They contain a revealed knowledge that was originally hidden, and they set forth the secrets of the soul in glorious images.5

Jung's View of Christianity

However, because Jung left room for religion, many Christians felt more comfortable with his ideas. Thus it is important to look at Jung's attitudes towards Christianity. His father was a Protestant minister, and Jung experienced aspects of the Christian faith while growing up. He wrote the following about his early experience with the Holy Communion, which seems to be related to his later ideas about religions being only myths:

Slowly I came to understand that this communion had been a fatal experience for me. It had proved hollow; more than that, it had proved to be a total loss. I knew that I would never again be able to participate in this ceremony. "Why, that is not religion at all," I thought. "It is the absence of God; the church is a place I should not go to. It is not life which is there, but death."6

From that one significant incident, Jung could have proceeded to deny all religions, but he didn't. Instead, he evidently saw that religion was very meaningful to many people and that religions could be useful as myths. His choice to consider all religions as myths was further influenced by his view of psychoanalysis. According to Viktor Von Weizsaecker, "C. G. Jung was the first to understand that psychoanalysis belonged in the sphere of religion."7 That Jung's theories constitute a religion can be seen in his view of God as the collective unconscious and thereby present in each person's unconscious. For him religions revealed aspects of the unconscious and could thus tap into a person's psyche. He also used dreams as avenues into the psyche for self-understanding and self-exploration. Religion was only a tool to tap into the self and if a person wanted to use Christian symbols that was fine with him.

Jung's Spirit Guide

Because Jung turned psychoanalysis into a type of religion, he is also considered to be a transpersonal psychologist as well as a psychoanalytical theorist. He delved deeply into the occult, practiced necromancy, and had daily contact with disembodied spirits, which he called archetypes. Much of what he wrote was inspired by such entities. Jung had his own familiar spirit whom he called Philemon. At first he thought Philemon was part of his own psyche, but later on he found that Philemon was more than an expression of his own inner self. Jung says:

Philemon and other figures of my fantasies brought home to me the crucial insight that there are things in the psyche which I do not produce, but which produce themselves and have their own life. Philemon represented a force which was not myself. In my fantasies I held conversations with him, and he said things which I had not consciously thought. For I observed clearly that it was he who spoke, not I. . . . Psychologically, Philemon represented superior insight. He was a mysterious figure to me. At times he seemed to me quite real, as if he were a living personality. I went walking up and down the garden with him, and to me he was what the Indians call a guru.8

One can see why Jung is so very popular among New Agers.

Jung's AA Influence

Jung also played a role in the development of Alcoholics Anonymous. Cofounder Bill Wilson wrote the following in a letter to Jung in 1961:

This letter of great appreciation has been very long overdue. . . . Though you have surely heard of us [AA], I doubt if you are aware that a certain conversation you once had with one of your patients, a Mr. Roland H., back in the early 1930's did play a critical role in the founding of our fellowship.9

Wilson continued the letter by reminding Jung of what he had "frankly told [Roland H.] of his hopelessness," that he was beyond medical or psychiatric help. Wilson wrote: "This candid and humble statement of yours was beyond doubt the first foundation stone upon which our society has since been built." When Roland H. had asked Jung if there was any hope for him Jung "told him that there might be, provided he could become the subject of a spiritual or religious experience - in short, a genuine conversion." Wilson continued in his letter: "You recommended that he place himself in a religious atmosphere and hope for the best."10 As far as Jung was concerned, there was no need for doctrine or creed, only an experience.

It is important to note that Jung could not have meant conversion to Christianity, because as far as Jung was concerned all religion is simply myth - a symbolic way of interpreting the life of the psyche. To Jung, conversion simply meant a totally dramatic experience that would profoundly alter a person's outlook on life. Jung himself had blatantly rejected Christianity and turned to idolatry. He replaced God with a myriad of mythological archetypes.

Jung's response to Wilson's letter included the following statement about Roland H.:

His craving for alcohol was the equivalent, on a low level, of the spiritual thirst of our being for wholeness; expressed in medieval language: the union with God.11

In his letter Jung mentioned that in Latin the same word is used for alcohol as for "the highest religious experience." Even in English, alcohol is referred to as spirits. But, knowing Jung's theology and privy counsel with a familiar spirit, one must conclude that the spirit he is referring to is not the Holy Spirit, and the god he is talking about is not the God of the Bible, but rather a counterfeit spirit posing as an angel of light and leading many to destruction.

Jung's Blasphemy

Jung's neo-paganism and his desire to replace Christianity with his own concept of psychoanalysis can be seen in a letter he wrote to Freud:

I imagine a far finer and more comprehensive task for [psychoanalysis] than alliance with an ethical fraternity. I think we must give it time to infiltrate into people from many centers, to revivify among intellectuals a feeling for symbol and myth, ever so gently to transform Christ back into the soothsaying god of the vine, which he was, and in this way absorb those ecstatic instinctual forces of Christianity for the one purpose of making the cult and the sacred myth what they once were - a drunken feast of joy where man regained the ethos and holiness of an animal.12

Thus Jung's goal for psychoanalysis was to be an all-encompassing religion superior to Christianity, reducing its truth to myth and transmogrifying Christ into a "soothsaying god of the vine." God's answer to such blasphemy can be seen in Psalm 2:

Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

Christians dabble in Jung's religion when they incorporate his notions about man and deity through imbibing in his theories, therapies, and notions that have filtered down through other psychotherapies, through 12-step programs, through inner healing, through dream analysis, and through personality types and tests.

~Awareness Ministries~


End Notes
1. Sigmund Freud. The Future of an Illusion, trans. and edited by James Strachey. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1961, p. 43.
2. Thomas Szasz. The Myth of Psychotherapy. Garden City: Doubleday/Anchor Press, 1978, p. 173.
3. C. G. Jung. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, 2nd ed., trans. by R.F.C. Hull. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969, p. 4.
4. Calvin S. Hall and Gardner Lindzey. Theories of Personality. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1957, p. 80.
5. Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, op. cit., p. 7.
6. C. G. Jung. Memories, Dreams, Reflections, ed. by Aniela Jaffe, trans. by Richard and Clara Winston. New York: Pantheon, 1963, p. 55.
7. Victor Von Weizsaecker, "Reminiscences of Freud and Jung." Freud and the Twentieth Century, B. Nelson, ed. New York: Meridian, 1957, p. 72.
8. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, op. cit., p. 183.
9. "Spiritus contra Spiritum: The Bill Wilson/C.G. Jung Letters: The roots of the Society of Alcoholics Anonymous." Parabola, Vol. XII, No. 2, May 1987, p. 68.
10. Ibid., p. 69.
11. Ibid., p. 71.
12. C. G. Jung quoted by Richard Noll. The Jung Cult. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994, p. 188.
will there be signs in Heaven?
Posted:Jan 4, 2008 3:39 am
Last Updated:Jan 4, 2008 3:00 pm

Calvinists over here.

Baptists over there

Pentecostals up front

Non Calvinists at the right hand

will there?
The two Farmers
Posted:Jan 3, 2008 4:07 am
Last Updated:Jan 3, 2008 2:34 pm

Two Farmers were in desperate need of rain. They both prayed that God would send much needed rain for their crops.

One prepared for the rain as if it was comming. The other just hoped. Which one was more than likely going to receive the rain?
does God do this?
Posted:Jan 2, 2008 5:17 am
Last Updated:Jan 5, 2008 3:13 pm

A semi-well known Pastor and his Wife have divorced. They both have "ministries". Their main one was here in Florida.

One went to California and started a "ministry" there and the other one started a "ministry" in New York, all the while they had a Church they were pastoring in Florida.

My question is this. Is God going to separate 2 people by having them start different ministries and neglecting the one they already had?
My Fav day of the year
Posted:Jan 2, 2008 4:28 am
Last Updated:Jan 2, 2008 12:24 pm

January 2nd. Normal can once again come to fruition. All the pressure people seem to feel in regards to Christmas and then New Years is all over.

The resolutions take place today of course. Sometimes that is a good thing. Having a vision, having a plan. Its important.

Just as the word says Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith, it also clearly ststes that he is our provider as well.

Some will trust in horses and some will trust in Charriots but I will trust in the Lord my God. For he alone is my all in all.

I am thankful for free will. I am thankful that he gives us so many options in life and says choose, but count the cost first of your choices.
2008 is a dangerous year.
Posted:Jan 1, 2008 5:42 am
Last Updated:Jan 4, 2008 5:25 am

This year will define your life for years to come. Why? Because this is the most important Presidential election in the United States.

The things some of these people want to do will effect your grandchildren if they are elected.

In the early 1990's Hillary had a Health care plan that even her husband Bill would not touch. He knew the country could not pay for it and always ignored it. He knew it would bankrupt the country. It is the same plan today.

When you think of Hillary, ask yourself what has she done? Where was she a leader at? Any law office? No. Has she accomplished anything as a Senator? No, she has not. No Bills written etc. But she has named post offices. Seriously this is it. She has no experience. No Qualifications to make her a President. Totally Unqualified. Some think Bill could help her. The same one that raised taxes and when he left the Stock Market was at 7000 as compared to record setting 14000 plus which is over 3000 points higher than ever under Clinton?

How about Unemployment. Presently it has rested around 4.7 percent. It was at 6.3% as Clinton left office. His best was 5.7% This administrations best was 4.5%.

We now have 23 straight quarters of economic growth. Do you want to lose that?

One thing that has always ruined an economy is raising taxes. The Democrats wish to do that.

Barry has absolutely no experience and has little experience in office. He said he would bomb a country...only thing was it was one of our allies. He also had four years of training as a Muslim. The Church he does attend is pretty racist. So do you want that? Once again, what has this man done to put his name in the hat that has amounted to anything? If you look you will find nothing.

John Edwards was involved in one thing. A case he handled started the whole ambulance chasing thing. Yeah that isn't good. He also recently said his medical plan would make everyone be on Government health plans. No private plans allowed. Once again...bad medical plan that would ruin the economy of the USA.

None of these three would be competent whatsoever.
They would have a disastrous effect though.

So I picked on the Democrats. What about the Republicans that are bad news.

Ron Paul would be far and away the worst republican candidate. He is an idealist. He does not understand the constitution in the way that he wants everyone to believe he does. His foreign policy and lack of understanding the Muslims and what they are doing world wide is enough to exclude him from consideration. He cant even admit he is a libertarian instead of a republican.

Mike Huckabee is another disaster waiting to happen. He preys on the Christians because he is a Christian. However just being a Christian does not qualify you to be President of the United States. He raises taxes a lot as Governor of Arkansas. He pardoned 1000 criminals and in some cases brought many ramifications against the public. He believes that the reasons that blacks do not get jobs is simply racism which is ridiculous. What about the other races that do not get jobs? His stances on the war is disastrous. He is a lousy candidate and equally as bad as any of the democrats.

Rudy Gillian. I would vote for Rudy if he won, but in my mind he is a closet socialist in many ways. Some things he is good on.

Who would I vote for? There are three.

Fred Thompson is head and shoulders the best leader in the race. He has been working on many issues for the President. He stands for family and he is the only one of all of the candidates with his plans laid out for the public to see regarding the issues at hand such as immigration,etc.just google him. He is an amazing man.

Duncan Hunter is another good man with an excellent record.

Mit Romney is a third. Yes he is a mormon, but as a candidate he is qualified.

The Russians, China and the Muslims are back at it and you better have a President that will defend this country and stand up properly to these people.

In the democrats you have three people who want to cut and run in Iraq. Despite the fact that the surge is greatly working. That alone should disqualify them.

You don't vote for anyone because they are a woman or black. You vote based on qualifications and their records.
Is James Dobson Evil?
Posted:Dec 31, 2007 6:15 am
Last Updated:Dec 31, 2007 6:17 am

If I were to look at him from a Christian point of view I would say yes. If I looked at him from a humanistic point of view I would say he tries to be a good person.

But the issue is deception. If the man were just a psychologist, then I would say oh well, just another one doing his thing.

But he professes Christianity in his work. I am not calling him a non-Christian, but I have to say that he is a Christian that is deceiving others based on what he does.

He himself refuses to have an honest debate with Christian leaders regarding the things he has embraced that are not Christian. He embraces New Age teachings, which are not Christian. Psychology denies Christ. He embraces other religions in his presentations and he uses very few scriptures and many taken improperly out of context. So to me his work is evil to the believer.

As I have said before, some good things can be used in our lives to deceive us. That doesn't make them good in intent for the future.

Christ teaches to abide in him, allow him to live through us as He is the Vine and we are the Branch.Paul elaborated when he said it wasn't even him living any longer but Christ living through him.

The word teaches also that our identity is to be found in Jesus Christ. That means our identity. How we view ourselves and who we are is all about Jesus Christ.

James Dobson chooses not to teach that and he teaches that we need to do things in life to build our self esteem. Our basic problem in his teaching is how we view ourselves.

God says... no problem. I love you and accept you as you are.

Christianity teaches that our powerscource is allowing Jesus Christ to live through us.

James Dobson and Psychology teaches that the best person you can be comes from you building who you are.

Humanism has always taught that the best good we can experience comes from ourselves.

The bible teaches there is none good but God.

So who do you believe? People's self help books, or the Word of the omnipotent Living God?
Does God Change?
Posted:Dec 30, 2007 6:43 am
Last Updated:Dec 31, 2007 5:53 am


Constitution is not a Living Organism
When Theory is taught as Fact
Posted:Dec 30, 2007 6:28 am
Last Updated:Dec 31, 2007 5:58 am

There are many things in this world that are spoken out as factual, but have no basis. I shared earlier regarding the fact that there is no medical evidence that a brain scan can read depression.

Medical facts and findings prove all anti-depressants cause permanant brain damage as well as many side effects from mundane to very far reaching to irrational behavior, suicide and murder.

There are no conclusive evidence where it is factualizised in medical writings.

There is no chemical imbalance in the brain as taught by many psychiatrists. Never proven, only a theory.

Same with HIV. HIV has no scientific basis or proven link to lead to AIDS. The patent to the HIV test however is owned by the person who came up with the theory of AIDS.

Does the bible teach us to work on our self esteem? No it does not.

It does however teach us that we are to identify who we are with Christ and be in Christ. It teaches us we are to find our worth in who he says we are. Sons and Daughters. It says we are to abide with him.

The Bible teaches that the ultimate good comes from God. Psychiatry teaches it comes from man. So does that matter? I would hope so.

The bible teaches that mans heart is evil. Yet God is good. So what should we follow after? God or our hearts in what we may consider good?

Confusion enters in when we trust in mankind and call something that goes against his word as being good.

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