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god's servant's blog

this used to be god's garage

petey, i love you man
Posted:Jan 20, 2014 9:16 am
Last Updated:Jan 21, 2014 9:00 am
petey, i love you man, BUTT

i have tried to NICELY say before that i really can not get all the way through one of your posts or comments. dude, you go on and on and on and on. in one sentance questions that are usually rhetorical, but not always.

why is that?

why do you ask a thousand questions without answering them?

just because the answers are in your head, do you think that means that we all know what the heck you are thinking?

and then you use bold and ital as if that somehow gives us the answers. no dude. it is just annoying and harder to read. like i said, i LOVE you and i WANT to read what you say....but i can NOT. my eyes start closing and my mind starts to wander. the bold and stuff makes it even hurt a little to read.

i read other blogs no problem. even people i don't like or agree with. i ALWAYS had trouble getting through your blog posts in the past, and it has only gotten worse. dude, take a few courses in creative writing or english composition. or PREACHING. the style that you have developed here is NOT conducive to communication in ANY language.

i have heard sermons that center around rhetorical questions that reall work. your stuff does NOT do that pete. you questions don't hold or work together to prove a bigger point. they are just seemingly random and senseless sometimes. i walk away confused more often than not. that is why i just answer you with cute or humourous answers. i have NO idea what you just said.

i am not NAGGING you, like you nag me. i am telling you as your friend. the way you would want a friend to tell you need to use deodorant if you had B.O. i know you like to post here (10 times a day), and you have things you are trying to tell us. pete, the truth is that it is not at all clear, not at all easy to even understand what the wha you even talking about.

effective communication is CRITICAL to spreading the gospel. pete, you REALLY need to work on your communication skills. i am telling this as your friend.

one of your blog posts is pretty much just like the next to me. i can read the whole thing (which i usually do NOT, because it is painful and hard work and meaningless). i don't think it is me, like i said, i can understand other blogs jsut fine. even total defective brain cases like cookie monster and SOL are somehow able to compose lucid posts.

not to brag, i am only to try to defend my claim that it isn't my issue. dude, i have 169 IQ and completed a graduate degree with a 3.85 GPA. i am not even a little challenged (thank you god). i mean, i have LOTS of other problems, no doubt, but my critical reading and analytical abilities are top of the pile.

PLEASE look into obtaining some more useful english composition abilities. i almost NEVER have ANY idea what the heck you are writing about. it only comes off as nagging. asking rhetorical questions is a powerful composition tool, but not if that is the whole substance of your composition.

petey, i love you man, but your writing lacks a LOT.
4nik8, you are banned here. go away :)
Posted:Jan 19, 2014 8:51 am
Last Updated:Jan 20, 2014 8:41 am
4nik8, you are officially banned from my blog. go away

i will NOT put up with scandalous unbiblical crap on this blog. PERIOD. i warned you thrice, your game is over.

biblical opinions are ALWAYS welcome here. i will even tollerate insults, complaints, nagging, etc. the ONLY thing i do not allow is NON-BIBLICAL gobbledegook.

speeking of witch, 4nik8ter posted a comment here that said "if you are a christian you stop sinning."

nothing is further than the truth. let he who is without sin cast the first stone. we ALL of us sin, ALL of us. when you decided that you somehow stopped sinning you sinned. when you continuted to post non-biblical gobbledegook on my blog after being asked not to, you sinned against me. there was only ONE in all the history of humans that was without sin, and he was NOT some prideful gay geek in ugly glasses and a ski cap.

that is why we NEED christ. because we are flawed. we can't help but sin. sure, we can work at it, and try out best. if we TRULY love christ, we will avoid all the sin that we are able. but we are not able to stop all of our sin. it is our nature. this is what the bible says.

professing that someone can actually stop ALL sinning is a LIE. a dangerous, prideful, unbiblical LIE. to believe you are without sin is in fact it is AGAINST what the bible says. the bible says we are sinners ALL and only christ can cleanse us.
1 comment
breakfast at epiphany's
Posted:Jan 16, 2014 3:48 pm
Last Updated:Jan 19, 2014 8:41 am
a good friend of mine, who doesn't know god and seems to me to have a lot of serious problems in his life posted this on his facebook page:

you have no idea what someone else might be going through. be kind.

i thought about it then, and yes, this friend was always kind. i thought about it again and realized i was not kind more often than not. sometimes unkind. people can be such idiots, i think, they deserve it.

it slowly hits me upside the head like a freight train that a heathen man that i have a lot of pity for is following christ beter than i am. wow, i think, does that mean i am even more pitiful?

i pity da foo!

so i have REALLY trying to be nice, and it really is just all around better for everyone. even when people are idiots, ESPECIALLY when people are idiots, i think of god and the facebook post and what a jerk i have been most of my life. and boom, i can show a person god's grace without busting a blood vessel.

and boom, problems tend to deflate when you are nice. whereas, when you attack a problem as a jerk they tend to escalate. and more often than not, people appreciate some slack and some respect and will respond in kind. not everyone, but those are the guys who really need god's grace the most. like me.

i am even thinking of trying to be nice in chat? ....nah...
1 comment
what the wha?
Posted:Jan 14, 2014 12:46 pm
Last Updated:Jan 16, 2014 8:08 pm
saturday afternoon i opened the church from the inside and stepped out onto the walk. i don't usually open it from the inside, there is a padlock outside, but i had forgotten to lock the padlock on friday night.

it was unseasonably warm out and people were out all over the place. we have one of those double wide sidewalks of the inner city commercial districts and people were walking by. a young black woman walked by and did a double take on me. then she said "hello beautiful."

i looked around to see if someone was behind me, but nobody. i smiled embarassed and shook my head 'no.' she walked up to me really closely and smiled into my face. she said "can i come in?"

i looked at her more investigatively. she looked maybe 20 something, younger than my daughters. she looked really dirty, like dirt dirt. her clothes were dirt dirty and her face was smudged with dirt too. she looked as if she had been horizontal in the street for a time. she was obviously not doing real good.

i asked her if she was hungry and she said yes. she followed me into the church at my nod and to the goody cabinet. i keep munchies and beverages on hand for friday nights. mostly hostess junk and candy, but i try to get some healthier nut bars and fruit cups and stuff too. nobody ever eats it.

i let her take anything she wanted, which was a LOT and then yelled at her for coming on to strangers. i warned her that she would bite off more than she could chew. that i knew more dead hustlers than live ones. i told her god loves her just the way she is. she took her spoils and left smiling. i locked both locks and wondered what the wha is going out there.
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the MAIN message of the bible
Posted:Jan 13, 2014 1:23 pm
Last Updated:Jan 14, 2014 3:25 pm
So many fools here want to argue that the bible is about heaven or hell. that could not be farther from the truth. i will not go into my usual rant against 'hell' here. suffice it to say that the bible is NOT a choice between heaven and hell.

it also is NOT really important that you believe EVERY story in the bible literally. the bible is all about metaphor and parable, and specifics are NOT important. if you believe that the bible is an infallible literal history, you are fooling yourself. specific details like how long moses lived or if noah really had an ark just are NOT critical to the bible's message.

these are stories to show us the nature of god and what it is like to follow him. they are not stories for us to argue about literally. if you are all about arguing literal details of the stories of the bible, you have missed the message the bible gives us entirely.

ALL that we have to know is that christ is lord and died so we can live. it is even debatable if we HAVE to believe that. universalism holds that christ died for ALL men whether they accept him or not. that sounds more like MY bible and MY god. that you have to accept christ sounds more like the catholics.

i am NOT arguing against believing in christ, or against the stories of the bible. i am arguing that they are not the most important thing the bible tells us. the MAIN message of the bible is to love each other and love god. if you get that out of it, you are good.

but if you think the bible is about arguing about specifics, you really do not have a clue what god is about.
the god's garage complex
Posted:Jan 11, 2014 3:29 pm
Last Updated:Jan 13, 2014 7:57 am
i had to do a diagram of the church property for my tax accountant. he is trying to save me money on taxes. i drew this up with corel draw, one room at a time. it is mostly to scale, 1 pica = 1 inch. i knew this place was big, but i never really laid it all out like this. it is like a wacko texas compound.

we do NOT have any guns here.
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double doors success
Posted:Jan 11, 2014 8:58 am
Last Updated:Jan 13, 2014 5:18 pm
i finished the double doors and the 3 crosses over them. now i just have to stain the frame. i will finish that during the coming week. i was just pushing to get the doors up by last night's service to keep it warmer in the church. they worked really well, and it was nice and cozy in the church last night. it didn't hurt that it was only 30 or so outside.

we had a good night last night, a 2 man band came in and brought some groupies, and then this opera singer from peru came. the band ended up sitting in on a song with the peruvian. unfortunately, it was la bamba. i say unfortunately because the band asking the peruvian to play that was sort of a stereotype. however, the peruvian knew the song really well and it sounded great. i have everything digitally recorded.
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2 x 4 lumber art
Posted:Jan 9, 2014 8:09 pm
Last Updated:Jan 11, 2014 8:45 am
this is what i am going to put in the empty rectangle over the door. i did the math and most of it (20) will be pieces the same size (11.5). the cross row will be 4 different pieces.
1 comment
double doors? (check)
Posted:Jan 9, 2014 1:18 pm
Last Updated:Jan 9, 2014 8:06 pm
i finished the double doors. they came out way nicer than i even envisioned it. i was mostly just trying to block the cold, but it blocked the noise outside a lot too. it also looks a lot more like a church. i am going to stain the frame too, but i am going to make a sort of wood art thing with 3 crosses in it.

god is good
fighting subzeros in the church
Posted:Jan 8, 2014 7:28 am
Last Updated:Jan 9, 2014 4:16 pm
last week friday service, there was a northerly wind blasting the face of the church so hard that the door was blowing open. i have a commercial door closer that is supposed to prevent that, but the wind was hitting the door harder than person coming in. consequently, i have decided i need a buffer. the way many businesses have two entry doors to keep the cold out.

when i first moved in last year, most of the interior doors were gone. i had to replace at least a dozen doors. i started grabbing every door i could find. i got a lot free off craig's list, and i found a few in the alleys. any doors that i could not fit somewhere went into the attic. i found two nice matching 24" unfinished pine closet sort of doors up there, brought them down and stained them.

i looked up installing double doors on the web, and i found a cool u-tube video that gave step by step instructions on building the frame and hanging the doors. the frame is mostly done, and i have stained the doors and they should be ready to hang today. this video pushed something called easy door hangers, and i found some of those at home depot.

i also installed 2 more styrafoam solar furnaces in the 2 remaining windows facing the main street. i haven't put the pop cans in them yet, but just the foam over the windows cut down a lot of draft. the church is no longer freezing and is retaining the little bit of heat it gets from the main furnace much better even without the doors. the frame itself seems to have blocked some of the door draft. i had plastic hanging in front of the door, where the double doors will go. the plastic wasn't stopping the breeze, the wind would just push it open too. but with the frame up, the plastic is staying put.

the plan is for it not to be cold on friday nights when we hold church, but i like to go and play in the church during the week too. especially without calvin, i am lost and bored. i want to start recording some of my own music in there.
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