..One of the sweetest young women I've ever met
Posted:Dec 14, 2009 5:29 pm
Last Updated:Dec 22, 2009 12:14 pm 9007 Views
I first met Xixi when she came here from China. I found out she was a strong Christian, and I gave her a Chinese Bible someone had given me.
She is just the sweetest, most innocent young woman. She married her first boyfriend, a guy from my former church.
I've sprung a leak from my eyes as I type. :LOL: I had stopped believing in a lot of things that Xixi reminded me still exist; romance, destiny, and the value and joy of innocent love.
Through the Code Storm..Prayers for a friend
Posted:Dec 14, 2009 5:16 pm
Last Updated:Dec 22, 2009 12:16 pm 9089 Views
(Large size not for my ego.. for Moonchaser! )
It was a tough presentation day today. I had worked on my program for 17 hours 1:30 p.m. Sunday - 6:00 a.m. Monday.
Our Romanian-born teacher can be really critical...and he was in fine form today.
However, from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. today, I was filled with so much joy. I just bubbled. I knew it wasn't relief over my program being completed. I'm pretty sure it was God's touch just when I needed it.
I walked past a young classmate who had been very critical of me, and I'm beaming with joy. I walked into the building knowing I was going to be criticized and roasted in front of my technology peers..and I felt so at peace.
Dr. D really slammed the guy before me who couldn't get his program finished. Then, it was so cute. He was being his gruff self with me, but his eyes were sparkling..like maybe he was pleased. For all his crabby ways, he has struck me as a marshmallow underneath.
The class had a lot of criticisms also.
..and I felt so at peace.
Another young man, just a sweetie, who presented after me, was really reamed out. He had gotten stuck on an easy problem and didn't get it resolved. It was pretty harsh.
Please, if you could keep E. in your prayers, that would be great. It was very humiliating and he's so young (21).
I tried to comfort him afterwards, and he looked pretty shaken up.
That's how rough this instructor can be.
I could hear other students talking negatively about him down the hall, about how easy that was to resolve.
For the best student in the class, Luke, one guy sent emails peppered with obscenities to the professor about a change Luke had made to the database, which was within Luke's perogative. Off the script, but still kosher.
My gut is that the irate student had a copy of someone else's previous classwork, which Dr. D allowed. Some had bragged about having someone else's work when Dr. D wasn't in the class.
Dr. D asked me point blank in front of the class during my presentation if I had had any outside help. I could honestly say "no". No one had helped me in any form.
I said that this was the toughest thing I've done and one side of the classroom whooped in agreement. He also kind of emphasized that I truly wanted to learn this material and that it fits that I didn't accept help. That's the closest to a compliment that he gives sometimes. :LOL:
So..on one hand, my program was really lame-o. On the other, it's something of which I can be proud.
I so deeply appreciate all your prayers and words of support.
THANK YOU!!!! ..and thank you for letting me vent here.
Feeling the generation gap!!!
Posted:Dec 8, 2009 6:33 pm
Last Updated:Dec 12, 2009 8:32 am 9357 Views
This is what I wrote to a friend. Hi ****, Sorry to vent! I'm so cheesed right now.
I'm feeling the age diff. between me and my classmates tonight. They all freaked out in class today.
We have a communal database. I added something within the table's definition, but not what the others have been doing. The way it's resolved is so simple and part of all of our beginning training!!!
"SELECT * in Table WHERE value IS NOT Null"
That's it. "IS NOT Null". Just 3 words they had to add to their code.
They were all freaked out and got all up in arms to have that in class today.
Bottom line is that there aren't excuses in the real world, like "well that wasn't part of the assignment". You do what your boss tells you or what your boss has given you to work with.
Yeah, I'm going to pay for this. Tough. I've paid my dues a long time ago.
Yeah, again, I'm going to pay some dues out of my hide about this.
Part of me is nervous. Another part is just tired of this.
Thanks for letting me vent!!!
Woo-hoo! It's all coming together!!
Posted:Dec 6, 2009 8:04 pm
Last Updated:Dec 11, 2009 8:01 pm 9318 Views
Not a very glamorous picture. It cost $3000, though!!
I'm in the home stretch in the hardest class of my college career!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers!!!
You Aren't Obligated To Take Spiritual Advice
Posted:Dec 4, 2009 4:10 pm
Last Updated:Dec 22, 2009 12:15 pm 9224 Views
Maybe this will start a flame war. Maybe it will quench others.
You aren't obligated to take spiritual advice.
In my old days of Christian radio ministry (looooonnng since passed), my boss told me stories of people that would call or write and say "God told me to tell you to do _____".
They were things like "play this song onair" or "take this song off the air" or "start running this radio show on air" or "stop running this radio show on air" or "support this cause on air" or "stop supporting this cause on air".
He would listen politely, but he darn well never felt obligated to do it. He had his own spiritual mind and discernment and we, his co-workers, to offer our advice if he wanted it.
..And he never, ever, ever, ever felt guilty, condemned or like he was failing in his call for saying "no thanks, not what God is telling me".
Posted:Dec 4, 2009 12:45 pm
Last Updated:Dec 9, 2009 2:32 pm 9798 Views
It just registered that people gave me some.
OOps for not acknowleging and thanking you sooner!!!
Thank you!
The foundation remains....
Posted:Dec 4, 2009 12:39 pm
Last Updated:Dec 12, 2009 8:32 am 9173 Views
Today, the snow is drifting down as I walk to school, just like a lot of other winter days I've been through.
I walk past a rickety house that had just been sold. The old rotted out porch and rusted kitchen chair are gone. In their place is a new structure.
Yet, the foundation remains the same.
... ... ...
I felt a spiritual stirring for the first time in a long time. When I sense it's God, it's usually so quiet and concise.
"The foundation remains."
What God built in my life remains. ..Solid..Real..
..Waiting.. to be built on again.
I also thought about people with loved ones that wander away from God.
"The foundation remains."
Hope it encourages you too.
(image: Tim Bratcher's chair on porch from flikr)
Just wondering...
Posted:Dec 3, 2009 6:41 pm
Last Updated:Dec 8, 2009 3:15 pm 9479 Views
Did you ever wonder about love?
When I was younger, I used to believe there was this fantastic chosen person that God had ordained for me.
"The One"
I don't think so idealistically anymore.
Although I believe in God's plan and will, I'm beginning to wonder if it's all about
"The One Who Remains...."
I've watched so many men come and go from my life. I've had crushes on so many more.