Going to Australia
Posted:Aug 10, 2010 12:09 pm
Last Updated:Aug 12, 2010 10:41 am 14129 Views
hey all ...just a quick update. I am planning a 2-3 month trip to the beautiful continent of Australia to take it in and hang out with my Aussie friends. Planning to take off Sept or Oct. Please pray for me that all goes smoothly.
I will keep you posted with pics and my blog while there.
hugs and peace, Lisa (GG777)
Continuation of Blog 1 about G8/G20 protest rally in Toronto
Posted:Jul 30, 2010 7:48 pm
Last Updated:Aug 3, 2010 5:16 pm 13723 Views
I know this has been a while but I am now able to finish writing about the Peaceful Protest Rally.
I walked with the Steelworkers Union Group who graciously allowed us to ride on the bus with them. Our group was small . We were supporting the Palestinians people who have been annexed out of the land of Israel. We were a small group of only about 8 but It felt GREAT!!! As I walked with the group I just looked and looked and took the HUGENESS of it all in ...as we walked I felt more and more relaxed (inspite of the ominous tension) so I walked over to a large number of police and one of them was a bit overbearing but I persisted and just chatted with them about their bikes and how they were doing...and it was a fairly positive experience. So, I kept walking and by this time I had got separated from my group and so I just kept walking and walking and looking and taking pictures. I was fairly disappointed that the Toronto Politicians had not made available to us protesters any "Johnnies" or bottled water for the walk. I thought this was pretty unfair as the Politicians were probably drinking Evian in crystal champagne glasses and having their butts wiped with Charmin by their personal slaves.... oops I mean to say employees. But I am straying here... my gentle readers.. So I walked and saw how many hundreds and hundreds of police officers in regular garb and at least three times that of "riot police" They all had identical black garb and helmets with different numbers. That was fairly un-nerving because they all looked identical like the storm -troopers in Star Wars movies. These riot police were further back from the "first line" of regular police and they were behind low metal barricades at most street intersections. When we walked past the US Consulate Offices there were many fences and very many riot police. They were garbed to look larger and intimidating. At this place many of the protesters started chanting SHAME, SHAME...The tension definitely increased at this place. As we slowly passed here the tension gradually decreased. There was much chanting and shouting but there was no violence or disruption. I still was not able to find my group so I just kept walking. It had stopped raining so it was cooler and more comfortable.
There were so very many different groups that I could not take it all in. The largest groups that I saw there were AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL and GREEN PEACE. I was really impressed at their uniformity and organization and peaceful but vocal presence.
We kept walking and gradually made it back to Queen's Park. I hurried now to try and find my group amongst the huge mass of moving humanity. I finally found my bus and kicked in it gear and grabbed a sit and relaxed my weary, wired body. I was glad to be back in familiar territory. I had some more to drink, used the bathroom and talked about all my experiences. When all were accounted for we started the trip back to Hamilton. We were all wired and happy to have protested ... and I was happy we left before the violence and trashing began.
So, in conclusion I must say that most of the protest was peaceful and legal and non-disruptive. I don't care for the MEDIA automatically slanting the view on us protesters that we were all disruptive, violent and ANARCHIST. Well, we were not. So, if we can call Canada a free country at all we should be encouraged and written up clearly that it was peaceful and within the laws of this great country. So, stuff it!! I quickly became tired that we were shoved into this group which were the minority.
I hope you learned from this. Please share your thoughts.
thanks and peace,,
G 20 Protest Rally in Toronto , Ontario June 26 2010
Posted:Jun 27, 2010 8:06 pm
Last Updated:Feb 6, 2025 4:52 am 12851 Views
Hi all my BCer friends,
I havent been here at all for so long. But I had something VERY EXCITING to share here with you all. I went to the Protest Rally in Toronto, Ontario for the G 20 Summit. This was a weekend meeting of the Political Leaders of the Big and not so big countries . I have never been to a BIG protest like this and was nervous as all get out but I conquered my nerves and stuck to it despite my apprehension. I was invited to come and walk in protest by one of my friends in the Peace Movement. I was really psyched to do this. I had lots of water , snacks, and bandanas soaked in water in case of tear gas. I was told that local Torontonians would be supplying water for the protesters but I thought it would be better to just bring my own. The bus ride went well but it slowed down at a few places due to heavy traffic. We thought we might not be able to get into Toronto if the traffic was too bad or we were turned back. As we were coming into Toronto we saw a motorcade headed by two police cruisers followed by about 8 black vehicles and followed by two police officers on motorcycles. The road had been totally closed off for this. It was very strange to see. So, as we got closer into downtown Toronto we saw so many police cars parked every where. Well, we finally got to Queens Park and got off the bus after we had filled out a form incase we were arrested, charged and/or injured.So, yeah that was so exciting. Anyways I got off the bus and we got together on the grass in front of Queens Park and we all just waited until we were ready to march. There were some speakers that were inspiring, whose names I didnt know. So, then we got ready to walk. There were so many different groups it was pretty over whelming and exciting at the same time. There were so many banners, signs, and people, just people every where from every group, background, and cause. And the best part was that we were here for the same reason to get heard by the powers that be, the people that we elected, the people who we pay for by taxes ....and more and more... So that is what it is all about. I looked and looked and looked at all the faces and found it hard to take it all in. But there we were, in one place, raising our voice and moving our feet in our democratically given right to protest , to make our voices heard thru the concrete and thru the wire fences. I felt happy and sad all at the same time.
I was inspired and felt connected to these people , most of whom I didnt know, but it was that way just the same.
P.S. I will finish this later this week.. It is pretty over powering writing all this at once.
remember we are One.
new diggs
Posted:Aug 24, 2009 12:05 pm
Last Updated:Mar 30, 2010 8:17 pm 13512 Views
Hey all my friends,
Just a quick note. My Mom and my family and me are still dealing with getting used to our Husband and Dad not being here on the earth anymore and overall I think we are doing pretty well and have been getting lots of support and comfort. I have some super great news... I have just this week past purchased a very nice 3 bedroom townhouse in a great location. I am really happy and excited about this and am looking forward to this big step into my new life. I know I can do this and am making plans and organizing for it. I will take possession of this place Oct . 1. My girls are pretty excited about it and my family all agree that it is a very good property for me. So thanks for all your prayers and support. I feel like I got wings.
hugs, Lisa
My Dad's death
Posted:Aug 5, 2009 4:29 pm
Last Updated:Nov 27, 2009 3:00 pm 14240 Views
My dear friends here,
I have some hard news to share with you. Two nights ago my father passed away . He reached his 80th birthday just barely . He had Parkinsons and was tired of the battle of it.It s just so strange because just a few days before he got ill he and my Mom went out for a drive and got some strawberries and made jam( his favourite freezer jam) My sister and I basically moved in with my Mom ... then the health care people came... all wonderful.. We spent almost a whole month just spending all this time together.. there was such beautiful peace.. I felt , saw, touched and almost tasted all the beautiful , sacred Presence of what is truly beautiful... and it just grew and grew and grew.... I told my sister, brother,Mom and my aunt who came up to give support to my Mom. I heard angels singing sometimes when I sat in the room with my Dad.. and when I went outside... I looked over the farm fields and saw Heaven so amazingly close.. I could have just run into it.. really... I was enveloped in the Sacredness of it.. wow...yeah me..I looked in the bathroom mirror and wondered...why me??? I am no saint.. no way! But still it is REAL and GENTLE and POWERFUL...all the same... and enduring and real and balanced... so...believe it my dear friends... Its just within all our reach.. when we look for it in stillness, calmness and grace.. and the Almighty will shower all these on when when we are seriously lacking in these things...
My Dad knew it too and he told us not to worry that he was at peace and KNEW where he was headed... and it is good... and infinite and joyful... I know it..
let it be....
Love, Lisa
divorce. house sale closure,,, moving on........
Posted:Jun 25, 2009 10:18 am
Last Updated:Jun 30, 2009 1:53 pm 14205 Views
Hey , its the end of June and things are moving forward... I have had THREE awesome Job interviews... and am vewwhy vewwwhy happy and know I will get one or MORE... is that crazy confidence or what???? House closure is end of June.. and I am looking hard for a small clean residence preferrably on Mtn. and it looks like this is coming together as well. Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!! Can ya tell Im happy!!!!??? My ex and our two girls have moved into their new a bit smaller house still in same city and are pretty okay with it. I helped them do some packing cuz they were short of hands... I have had wonderful peaceful, exhilarating dreams of flying with all these other birds and it was GREAT. I feel like I am moving into this great, wonderful deeper CONNECTION... its so so very cooollll. I am jumping into deeper water and it is strange and some scary but I am going to keep moving forward and trust the God that guides me in the right direction for me and my new life.
Just an update... P.S. will keep all my dear BCER friends posted.
hugs, GG
moving on in Life and divorce........
Posted:May 21, 2009 1:11 pm
Last Updated:Jun 28, 2010 8:33 pm 13978 Views
Hey all my dearest BCer friends,
Divorce is pretty much done and closing sale of house will be end of this June( really , really) LOL... so I am feeling more relaxed and am doing major financial planning for short and long term for me and my two girls. I am seriously looking at small , manageable rent-to -own house on mtn. in Hammertown and am very excited about it. I see the end is in sight and am feeling relieved and am able to take a deep breath.
Thanks to God, my dear Divorce Group friends, my super supportive family, my two dearest girls that I will always love and care for my many church families and my new friends that I have made in Hamilton. You are always a great support for me.
and all my love to my dearest Jan always
visitation at my dearest friend's funeral
Posted:Apr 12, 2009 7:54 pm
Last Updated:Apr 21, 2009 4:43 pm 13914 Views
Thank you all very much for your support and prayers concerning this very difficult time for me , her family, husband and many friends and co-workers. It was so helpful to grieve together with all these people for our dearest Becky. I will always miss her terribly but being together helped us get thru these few hours and to come together for this wonderful, dynamic woman. She is a bright light that went out too early... I am sorry.
I think that I have learned to live more fully and jump into it with both feet ....without fear... I move slowly but see the great in doing this..
your friend, Lisa
friend died three days ago....
Posted:Apr 7, 2009 9:41 am
Last Updated:Apr 9, 2009 12:58 pm 13766 Views
please pray for my friend's family, husband, friends and co-workers who are left behind. She died three days ago after very routine day surgery... She was too young. My heart is broken too much...
no more words
blessed infinitely
Posted:Apr 1, 2009 2:46 pm
Last Updated:Apr 3, 2009 12:34 am 13535 Views
Just a little update.....
I am solidly in a committed relationship with the man I have talked about previously here... God has for sure blessed and covered me with this wonderful, special, Godly gentleman....It is a joy and blessing to me daily to be with such a wonderful , musical, spiritual, grounded man who cares for me, his family and his and is a shining role model for many others . He is a great encourager to follow in the Way and shares so much with many...
I am blessed, peaceful and happy.
thanks to all for your continued prayers and friendship
God bless and keep you all
huggggggssssssss, Lisa