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(Michelle M)
2 posts
4/1/2006 6:45 pm

I live amongst the willing
wanting to escape the omniscient presence
aires as its carrier
words as its force
highly tempered
and yet holds no physical claim to me or this world
but it has power
my conscious is aware
my thinking is provoked
and the ever-relenting thought shows no mercy to my idiosyncrasies
such thoughts overwhelm the unguarded
make ripples in your belly
and began to slice fiercely
the foundation
the person-
the masks
the facades
the ego
and the I's
and the me's
and what we are left with
is neither or
good or bad
pure or stained with iniquity
but the simplicity of a lesser
one who searches
a void with secular vapor

(William Watson)
18097 posts
4/1/2006 10:52 pm

very nice sister, thanks for sharing, God bless you, cheers

May the Lord bless you and keep you