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HolyFlame 63F
75 posts
3/26/2006 9:37 am

Last Read:
4/2/2006 3:16 pm

Day one for the ReadyWritter looking for the ReadyReader

Gotta love that title for a start. SO, are there any ready readers our there? I would love to hear your thoughts about today's times. I beleive with all my heart that God is calling us, asking us, requiring us as His to rise up to the occasion of today. To give a better account of who we are in Him (Christ Jesus) and to more effectively reach the lost for His name sake. Lets' face it, try as we might, we have all missed the mark on this. Some of us have been saved for so long that we have forgotten the long, hard journey in which we have traveled to get to the Grace of our Father's loving arms and with that, we have lost our compassion to relate to people who are still lost in the darkness. We need to let our light shine brighter than ever before, with an open heart, an attentive ear, a non-judgemental view and see people where they are, hurting, in need and meeting them right where they are, loving them and leading them to the one who can give them that ulitmate perfect love. Christ did this for us, so in turn we should do the same.
So, let not your light be hidden under a basket, but let it be set upon the hilltops to shine out to help light the path for others.

(William Watson)
18097 posts
3/26/2006 12:25 pm

just waiting for Jesus to come back and bring us home sister, cheers and welcome, God bless you

May the Lord bless you and keep you

Rebekka 78F

3/26/2006 1:31 pm

Amen! Yes Ma'am, you are so right. Welcome to Blogland.


HolyFlame replies on 3/26/2006 5:10 pm:
Thanks Rebekka...I AMEN, you AMEN. May our lights shine so bright
that there is no doubt who is the source of our Love and light.

(Jean Sanders)

3/26/2006 5:16 pm

You go, Girl! Preach it! Can't wait to hear more from you! Welcome to the Blogs!

HolyFlame replies on 3/27/2006 6:51 pm:
Thanks reallysaved for the pulpit welcome..LOL. I can already tell that I am going to enjoy blogging. I will definatly have to take some
time very soon to veiw each and every one of your blog.
Peace and Blessings..