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aheartbrokenrn 60F
23 posts
3/24/2006 1:09 pm

Last Read:
3/27/2006 11:18 am

The first days of my new life

I am in a place I never wanted to be in again. Alone. Now after 12 years I am faced with divorce. A divorce I don't want, but with another woman involved with my husband, I have no choice.
It has been a little over a week since I was told by my husband that he was seeing another woman. I am in shock. I am crushed. This man always swore to me there would never be another woman in his life.
He said he didn't mean for it to happen, but it did. How does it just happen?
I am sick inside. I cry continuously. I don't want to but I can't stop the tears. I can't get rid of the nauseating feeling inside. How do you get rid of the hopeless feelings?
I seek anyone with suggestions, or other advice

godsservant63 61M

3/25/2006 3:58 am

I am very sorry your heart is broken. I know how you feel because my X wife did the same thing to me. She actually left me for another woman. I prayed to God that even if I didn't get her back that he would. She has been back with the Lord for 4 years now. She is remarried and has a beautiful 8 month old baby boy. It hurts so bad at the beginning but just pray hard find good friends to stand by your side and trust God will heal your heart. After not being with her for 7 years now I no longer hurt and we are good friends. You will make it through this. God never gives us more then we can handle. Take care and God bless. Sincerely, John

aheartbrokenrn 60F

3/25/2006 6:32 am

Thank you John for the kind words of encouragement. God and good friends will get me through this.
I am so glad that at least you and your x can be friends for the sake of your daughter. She is a lucky girl.

aheartbrokenrn 60F

3/25/2006 6:42 am

Thank you meow for welcoming me. I have never done the blog thing before either. Hope to learn more about you and others to get me through hard times.

Robyn2006 56F

3/25/2006 10:44 am


My heart goes out to you hon. I was in your shoes about three years ago. My ex-husband had been such a focus in my world that when I found out he was cheating with his best friends wife. It decimated me on so many levels. Their actions destroyed two homes and damaged many lives.

I hurt so badly I never thought it would end. But God healed me & He will heal you. Take the time you need hon, listen for the still small voice that will lead you. He is there and always has been, His word never fails and you will be OK.

If you need a friend please feel free to contact me anytime. I am here for you and am always willing to listen.

(William Watson)
18097 posts
3/25/2006 3:57 pm

hello sister and welcome, sorry it is under these circumstances though, but you are not the only one that has been through it believe me, just did it myself last year. But our God is faithful and you shall endure, believe me, cheers

May the Lord bless you and keep you

(nathan )

3/25/2006 8:08 pm

Hi, Im sorry for your pain and hurt. Im on the other side of what you are going through, but there's no woman. It may be too soon to offer it, and if you want to throw a shoe at me, go ahead, I can be an insensitive moron sometimes...unintentional.

Try to hear the why. If you cant yet, I can understand that. The why is going to be the one thing that maybe you can fix and salvage the marriage. If the why is in him, you cant fix it, and Jesus can carry you...and maybe change him.

I hate what I am doing in and to my marriage, but I see God's hand in it so far and that is a comfort to me. Rest assured He sees you, and can carry you through anything...footprints in the sand....remember that? He will carry you where you cant walk.

God bless and guide you.

(you can throw the shoe now)

Godsgrayce 54F

3/25/2006 9:32 pm

Wow! It's so sad that this is such a regular occurance now days. Same thing happened to me 3 years ago after 13 years of marriage. I hope you have some great friends that you can really lean on right now. Be a little selfish and take care of you during this horrific time. God will be your saving grace and will provide amazing comfort to you. When I was going thru this, everyone kept telling me..."all things work together for good", and I would just nod and think WHATEVER! So, I decided to go back and read Romans 8, which I would encourage you to do also. In Romans 8:26, I found the most amazing thing. It said basically that when we are in distress, so bad that we don't even know what to pray, the Holy Spirit intervenes and prays for us THEN all things work for good for his glory. I thought that was amazing - because I felt that many times - not knowing what or how to pray. God is real and he's there for you on every level. Just depend on him and his strength and you will heal. God bless you!

(Jean Sanders)

3/26/2006 5:47 pm

So many of us have been there. Just allow yourself to go through the grieving process with the Lord at your side. It is a journey and not over in a day or week or month or even year. It will get better, though, that is a promise! I pray God's very best for you!

ArtisticLady 61F

3/27/2006 12:37 am

Child what can I say. I'm devastated. I am devastated everytime I hear a brother and sister marriage breaks up. I just had no idea that so many brothers and sisters were getting divorce because of a cheating spouse. There seems to be an epidemic of this going in the body of Christ.

Well I am here for you sister... Lord if me and my sisters and aunt were not saved now we could do the brother some hard for hurting our the Lord has a whole of us I will pray that your husband get his head on 'It just happen'...sorry I don't buy that. I agree with zorman if something is wrong in the marriage you guys can correct those but it seems your spouse has some discipline and boundaries issues that the Lord needs to deal with.

It is sad when the deceiver gets us believers to believe a lie and your husband has fallen for a lie. I pray Lord that you will us the word that he knows to strike at the lie satan is whispering in his ears. Holy Spirit rise up in him and bring forth God word within. Amen


aheartbrokenrn 60F

3/27/2006 11:18 am

Hello and thanks to all who have posted words of encouragement.
It really has been amazingly helpful.
Yes, sevenmiles, this is a mourning period for me, and it will take time and prayer.
I am trying to stay busy, do things and be optimistic.
The sun is shining brightly and I'm alive and healthy.
What more can a person ask?
Thank you all again