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(Mika Tamura)
28 posts
3/26/2006 6:25 pm

Last Read:
4/16/2006 6:15 pm

Whats it like to have fur like an animal

Well here i am again in my world,,,,,not long agio i dressed as a rabbit and i can say never again,as i lost weight in few our as i very hot and nearly a fainting,i wondered wow good job we not having all hair all over our bodies,this be scarey for me as i be shaving it of ,any way animals not like us i think and not get a hot with there coats that they born with.Me i not wanting a fur coat for life as ive had one for 6 hours being a rabit.
any way heres me then as rabit hope you see now why i was so hot.

mika tamura

ArtisticLady 61F

3/26/2006 7:18 pm

Hi Mika1

You look cute and cuddly I would not want hair all over my body. I have just enough on my legs to shave off. lol I know some animals a lot of hair is good for them especially in winter and for some to much hair is not could either because some animals get really hot and need a shave.

Thanks for your comment to my question and visiting my post.


(William Watson)
18097 posts
3/26/2006 7:37 pm

cute picture and very nice smile, God bless you sister, cheers

May the Lord bless you and keep you

(Fred G)

3/26/2006 7:43 pm

you obviously aren't italian.

(Michelle L)

3/26/2006 8:42 pm

How cute..... Gwen

(Mika Tamura)

3/28/2006 4:03 pm

Thank you every one it always excites me when people having a time for me and answere my blogs even i no there some times silly,i not so good but always blog from my heart hehe,Hmm yes i am not intelian hehehe Rocky,
thank you

(Mika Tamura)

3/28/2006 4:05 pm

    Quoting ArtisticLady:
    Hi Mika1

    You look cute and cuddly I would not want hair all over my body. I have just enough on my legs to shave off. lol I know some animals a lot of hair is good for them especially in winter and for some to much hair is not could either because some animals get really hot and need a shave.

    Thanks for your comment to my question and visiting my post.

Artisticlady,,,it was interesting reading your writtings,there many thing that you write that good to ask.

(Carol )

4/7/2006 6:44 pm

Mika, great pictures Girlfriend!