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Not all is as it appears .. I wrote this the other day, but thought I should put it here .. I know some out there have ears to hear .. but most really have hearts of stone .. though God stands there offering them that heart transplant .. they refuse it .. not believing the severity of their condition .. Your heart is just fine!! .. see how pretty it LOOKS!! They take the easy way and call it hard .. they are headed for destruction and call it life .. and they help others to go thata way too .. And they do it all 'in love' too .. or so it APPEARS .. (and the worst it seems is when its those you love .. that seems to hurt the most.. ya know .. walking away from them .. ) It really breaks my heart to see this .. I 'almost' left here because of it .. I hate having to look at it .. and as hard as I try to say something .. it falls on deaf ears .. The Lord told me this long ago .. said they would not listen, hear .. that they were a rebellious people .. at the time I didn't quite 'get' what He ment .. I thought it was only because it was 'me' saying it (ya know who am I kinda thing) .. but the truth is He has sent people to them and they won't listen period! (and yes as He said, I would see .. I AM seeing people who understand this .. and that at least does give me comfort - though atm still a bit brokenhearted) They are following after an angel of light .. looks pleasing to the eyes .. good for food .. to make one wise .. ya know .. and they will not be moved. I thank God every day that He yanked me out of 'that way' .. He saved my life .. for the life of me I really don't see why so many say I love Jesus .. I want Jesus .. but yet wont follow Him .. and so many don't .. yet think they are .. people get mad when you say this sort of thing .. but it IS the truth .. Who are they exactly .. well I dunno .. the Lord never has shown me another persons heart as far as NOT following Him goes .. so I can't point fingers .. I just dont understand people though .. they only look at BLATANT things as if the devil is only that obvious and then call it subtle .. He was the most beautiful the smartest .. blah blah .. do people really think he has somehow become that stupid AND ugly! .. that everyone can SEE it .. that somehow ONLY A FEW are being deceived? .. And they do!! .. My God!! .. THEY DO!! man repeatedly Jesus said MANY .. MANY .. MANY! (will be deceived .. will deceive .. will take the broad road) but if you look around its the MANY that say they are going the right way .. its MANY who appear so beautiful and smart .. not the few .. as the bible clearly says .. Its such a rare gift to meet someone who is TOTALLY sold out to Jesus .. I look at people and it makes me cry .. they really love their god .. thing is they don't even know the Jesus they claim is there God .. I wish so much they loved God as they claimed but yes .. and seeing it more and more .. they are in love with a 'different' god .. get blasted for this .. who do YOU think YOU are kinda deal .. I don't care really .. my heart cries so often for these people and they laugh, say you have a 'decieving spirit', mock you, plot against you, lie even! ya know ..(these so called God loving Christians! my God!!) and yeah you guys that have had this happen to you .. I DO understand and no its not pretty, its ugliness disguised as love .. sometimes I get angry .. sometimes I just sit and cry .. but in the end I always say to Him .. who else am I to go to .. YOU (Jesus) have the words of eternal life! And I look away from those smiling faces and 'words' of love .. that hide all that deadness inside .. they think its those in the world that are all going the wrong way .. and they point to them all the time .. and refuse to hear God saying .. stop stop stop .. YOUR the ONES going the WRONG WAY! man feeling more like this was a dear diary .. hehe .. but it doesnt matter .. going to post it anyways .. no matter .. I love you guys .. Anne Marie ![]() ... This message has been brought to you by the Justin Case Network .. official sponsor of the Foot in Mouth clubs of America .. with your support we WILL find a cure! |