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Blogs > faithfullady28 > Faithfullady28 |
what I Kindness, Honesty,Faithfulnees, Thoughtfulness, Compassionate, Generous, Understanding. A Sense of Humor is a must. I think To be fair the guys and girls of B.C. should know what I've been through in the past 8 months. First, I meet and start talking to a guy on here, We talk for almost 5 months he talks like we have a chance, and toward the end he goes back to his ex wife, who he has been divorced from one year and he is even the one who catches her with another man. Then, I start taking to someone, Who I think is married we talk for 4 months and he just all of a sudden one day leaves. The next person, Is in the process of getting a divorce we talk for almost 4 months, In the end I find out that he just used me to get back at his soon to be ex-wife, Then I talk to someone and things were going really good for 4 months, In August I hear from his ex-wife, whom i have never spoken to or met that he dies in a bull dozer accident. I don't think he's really dead because, they won't even send me a sympathy card or an obituary from the paper.Guys, Kevin the guy who was involved in the bulldozer accident died. I was friends with his brother Tim for about 7 0r 8 months, then I started developing feelings for him, I todl him, how I felt... well it wasn't five days after, I told him how I felt something of an intimate nature happened between us and he had been telling me he loved me too, then the following night after, the intimate thing happened, I Im him to chat with him about us and I am informed I am chatting with a "so-called" friend he works with I ask her questions that she doesn't answer that night. She keeps maintaining they are friends. well,The next night she is there again in his hotel room, We exchange words and she tells me he will be back there at 12a.m. or I can chat with him tomorrow, when they leave for another job site. I never get to talk to him....Then Wednesday of this past week he contacts me. He tells me somethings that he heard from his ex-wife's cousin that the girl he is supposedly friends with tells her about what she claims happened between her and myself. Which is a lie but, I haven't heard from him since and part of me doesn't care if I do or not. It just hurts to think that you have a good friend and try to confide in them and they stab you in the heart among other places. This person still expects me to be stupid enough to believe that he didn't sleep with the "" putting it as nice as I can. In my view, he is the idiot for turning his back on someone that was very good to him. Then, I get involved with this other guy and he after 2 months leaves he claims to have all of these problems that he can't talk to anyone about not even his or parents. I indirectly caught him cheating. I didn't have to work one day and my best friend calls me and hears how upset I am. She offers to call his cell phone, I am on the other line mind you and We both hear a female pick up the cell phone. This person still won't talk to me, he doesn't have enough guts. For once, I wish I could get a Real Man and not have to be the MAN in a relationship. I have an over abundance of love to give, I would go to he** in back for anyone I love. I always give my all in my relationships.I've never asked for much in this life,but I think I deserve maybe once to get it. I feel sometimes, that if I have to keep going through this kind of pain everytime, I fall in love then,maybe its not for me. The whole love thing I mean. Know matter what though, I have tried to remain hopeful and vigilant. I once traveled a little over 200 miles for a friend,who had gotten shot in the leg. I went and got her gift, I knew she had wanted. She was asking for a cold washcloth and I went and got her one, Even though not long afterwards, This person turned their back on me and our friendship. To this day, If this person needed anything I would do it Because that's what true love and frienship means to me.Long before any of the past 8 months happened. About 4 years ago I was engaged to someone. He was not only verbally abusive, but emotionally abusive as well. Once He threatened to hit me I drew my fist back and said,"Come on lets go". He never done anything like that again. I done his laundry, cooked, and cleaned his trailor for him. I gave him money whenever he needed it and I had it to give. I done his mothers laundry and washed her dishes,when I knew she had outside work to do without being asked to do so. I also cleaned his mothers house. I was stupid and blind, I admit that now I thought that my love could and would change him. I was wrong, he has to want to change and he never will. We finally broke up but, he couldn't tell me face to face, he does it over the phone. I found out after, we broke up he was seeing someone behind my back, not only that he was drinking and doing drugs. I Thank God every day that he got me out of that mess, its hard to say where I would be today if I had stayed with him. Thanks for listening and your time in reading this guys. Faith. |
FFL, what a long list of losers you have tried to share with. I pray God will soon send you someone deserving of your love and joy with. I have been stepped on like you and choose not to let too many get close enough to cause any more pain. I trust in God to send the right lady to me when He is ready for me to find out who she is. Take care to guard your heart, Be blessed. Funeralstudent.
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1/1/2006 10:36 pm |
Faithful, It breaks my heart to read of your story. These men who did this to you are scumbags of the lowest depths. And people wonder why men get a bad name? You definitley show me why. I hate that behavior. I pray that you find a real man of God one day. One who will value you for the great woman of God that you are. One who will not treat you like scum and one who doesn't want to use you as a concubine for his belt notch.
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6/4/2006 1:54 pm |
hi.well i guess i could sum up life in a short one thinks about tommrow.just live for the there actually any truly marraige minded,1 man 1 woman,still love just 1 person (woman) out there that really trully wants the old fashion kind of love.if you compare me to the(WALTONS) then ya got me figured out lol.what is wrong with just cuddling,or sitting on couch kisssing holding hands.
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12/25/2006 10:05 pm |
faithful, yes sis i know what you mean girl well i was talking to this one guy for seven months on the phone and on here and he is a member in bc and he told me he loved me and cared about me and everything and i almost let my heart get in the way. and he was nothing like he was on the phone. When he came to visit me on this past wedensday he was kind of pushy and rude and said some things that others did not find the right way a christian should be talking and then my mom told him that he better take good care of me cause he asked me to marry him, and i said well i told him that he was going to have to answer questions cause no one knew him so he told my mom that it was no ones business what goes on with him and i. well that is the wrong thing to say to my mom cause me and my family are very close as well as my church family they told him to take good care of me then he told them that he is not taking care of me that thats why he was here that i was going to take care of him. so then i got to thinking and i decided not to marry him but before i could tell him that i did not want to marry him he disappeared i have not heard from him since. it does hurt bad i wasnt in love with him but i did like him alot. he knew how i felt about him, and for him to do this to me i was hurt. i have all those quilites that you mentioned up at the top and i would rather give of myself then to recieve anything in return but i guess our best isnt good enough. but with gods help i am sure that he will find us someone to love and for someone to love us back. and you know this is the first time i ever really like someone from bc, and the first time we ever talked on my cellphone no matter how much he has hurt me i can never ben angry with him. At least thats what i am hoping for. i love you sis your a very sweet and loving person. Im glad and very thankful for you friendship sweetie big hugs to you my sister ![]() ![]() ![]() patty pgflr