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SayWhat 72F
95 posts
9/20/2022 7:53 am
Click here to see the new blogs. These blogs are archived only.

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Sojourner06 61M
1768 posts
9/28/2022 3:51 am

Use Addblogger. It helps.

I ain't got any links when I visit here.



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SayWhat 72F
126 posts
9/28/2022 6:09 am

    Quoting Sojourner06:
    Use Addblogger. It helps.

    I ain't got any links when I visit here.


Thank you.

SayWhat 72F
126 posts
10/6/2022 5:53 am

When I went to the top of the page, and clicked on where it says "Community" and then "Blogs", I was led to the pervert site, that has overtaken BigChurch. I thought I'd lost my writings until I clicked around and found them by clicking the home button in the upper left-hand corner, and by virtue of that, I found my Member Blogs, that can be seen on the right-hand side. So there is a way to access the old blogs if one clicks around the site.

BigChurch, do not erase my writings, it would be really messed up if you did.