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Are we Earthen Vessels, or New Wineskins? This post is only viewable by BigChurch members. Join BigChurch now! |
Interesting. I was watching Joyce Meyer this morning, and she mentioned this very thing. Meaning, she talked briefly about old wineskins. It's as if she answered this post and its title, albeit 3 months' later. But I'm still not entirely satisfied with the answer. Here's what she said about scriptural old wineskins, worthy of posting here: "New power cannot be given to someone who is still hanging onto old ways." Before she said what's quoted above, Meyer also mentioned that wine represented power in the Bible. So again I wonder, are old ways sinful; with cracked pots, i.e., the saved person, being a kind of God's earthly perfection? The Bible does say that we've all sinned. So my takeaway is that even though we will never be perfect on this earth, a Christian who's a cracked pot is about as close to God as we will get while still here. So as long as I'm alive, I will always question things like this. I believe God wants us to question things this way, it gets me into the Word.