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Chris4Christ 60M
73 posts
2/17/2014 10:08 pm
Big Church just crossed the line

I'm sure that everyone has noticed the site layout has been altered slightly and that things seem a little off. While it might be a bit unfamiliar and strange at first, it's something that will just take getting adjusted to I guess.

For me however, the changes made have cemented my decision to remove my profile and leave this site.
I've recently been battling being an active member of a site that not only supports a sister-site that is sex-based, but also other sites that promote homosexuality.

The "final straw" for me came today: upon scrolling down through the various blog posts here in Big Church, at the bottom of the blogs section page I was shocked beyond belief to see an ad with pictures of several women who were partially nude.
I scrolled back up in embarrassment and didn't see what website it was an ad for, but I'm fairly certain that it's for that "other site" owned and run by the same company / people that Big Church is owned and run by.

I don't know if that ad is something new, or just something that I've never seen before. In either case it's disgusting, and has no place on a spiritually-based website.

I won't try to convince anyone else of what I feel right now or to leave as well, but the Spirit within me convicts me to no longer support this site by being a member of it.

I wish you all the best, and pray that the Spirit continues to help you grow your relationships with the Lord.

I'll only be here long enough to hopefully get in touch with some people here who have become very dear to my heart and get their email addresses, and then I'm gone.

Chris4Christ 60M
118 posts
2/17/2014 11:04 pm

I just noticed something else as I was "tidying up" my profile.
Under the Physical Information link, and at the very bottom (I'm sensing a pattern here) there are 3 boxes after hair color, etc. that I never noticed before (or were recently added?):

I'm afraid to look through the rest of my profile to see what other sinful garbage is there.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
2/18/2014 6:51 pm

hahaha. endowment? really? i gotta see this

Chris4Christ 60M
118 posts
2/18/2014 9:46 pm

    Quoting BlueAir:
    Hi Chris, I read your blog, then scrolled to the bottom of the main blog page and saw the photo link for a sex site. I then promptly called BC customer service and spoke with Marvin. He agreed that this link should not be appearing on a Christian site (and so do I ). And as far as your profile? I don't know what to say, other than obviously the site is undergoing changes, and I'm hoping it's a glitch. Would you consider calling and alerting customer service to your problem prior to leaving? We need solid Christian folks like you to be here and stay. Just my thoughts... blessings!
You've most definitely got more patience than I do, because after seeing that ad all I could feel was a painful burning within me, and certainly wouldn't have been the most kind person to talk to even if I knew the phone number to BC customer service.

Knowing that this site is owned by the same entity that owns the other sites, I can see where someone might slip and allow something like the "endowment" selection to end up in part of a males profile here. But allowing something like nudity on a site designed for a spiritual member base isn't just a simple slip. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that it was doe on purpose.
With the increasing animosity and intolerance of Christians/Catholics/Jews/etc, I can envision a non-believer in the employ of this site placing that link in a not-quite-so-obvious area, and thinking "I wish I could see the look on the face of the first Jesus freak that sees that!"

I believe 100% that it wasn't accidental, but actually done with malice. That's how I feel, and I'm sticking to that sentiment.

Chris4Christ 60M
118 posts
2/18/2014 10:19 pm

    Quoting  :

IF I decide to close my profile, you are one of the many people who I consider a friend and would greatly miss.

As far as the RTA logo is concerned, it's certainly not what I thought it was.
If you click that link and read everything, it's very informative.

The ad and the RTA link however completely contradict each other, which is very discouraging.
It's comparable to the warning labels put on the pack of cigarettes - if they're that dangerous, why keep producing and selling them?

If this is how the current ownership of this site pays attention to what might seem like minute details, it's not a good sign.

For me, I'll just keep praying to see in which direction the Lord will lead me on this.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
2/19/2014 3:15 pm

jodi. i agree with you. you should leave and never come back

Chris4Christ 60M
118 posts
2/21/2014 10:21 pm

    Quoting  :

Pete, for me this goes beyond more than just that ad with the naked pictures, this is more to the fact that this site is owned and run by a company that also owns and runs a porn site and other sites that contradict spirituality.

We can try to compare this to patronizing Walmart or similar stores that openly support gay rights, etc, but it simply isn't the same.
We MUST purchase things (food, clothes, etc) for our NEEDS, so going to other stores that don't support gay rights to purchase (possibly at higher prices) those things is easily done.

However, we don't NEED to come here. I survived spiritually well enough prior to joining BC, and I'll do well enough when I decide to leave.

We're all called upon by God to not only spread the gospel, but also each individually for varying purposes depending on our strengths:...foreign ministry, spiritual warriors, teachers, etc.

For example: someone in your position of being basically homebound and not working in a traditional capacity affords you the time, and immeasurable flexibility with that time to answer the Lords call.
For others such as myself who spend an average of 2 hours per day driving to/from our jobs and 8+ hours working at them, it doesn't allow much interrupted quality time to perform our spiritual calling.
So for me, I use that time for prayer and guidance from the Lord on what to do in situations like this. And what I'm getting from Him is, this site might possibly cause me to stumble if I'm not wary.
So should I just walk into the fire because you or someone else challenged me to, even knowing that God has cautioned me against it? I think not.

So call me "weak" or a "coward" if you will.
It doesn't change the fact that this site is being run by a company that supports and encourages sin, and all this under the labels of "fun" and "freedom".
It took 3 days, THREE days after blueair phoned for them to remove that ad. Does anyone think that an email or phone call complaint to customer support made by people who aren't even paying members is actually taken seriously?