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restlesspirit 66F
424 posts
4/13/2015 3:49 am
blog whimps

blog whimps=people who post blogs with titles obviously directed at a specific person but do not allow that person to read it,,,

BAD FORM as Captain Hook would say

Maybe I hit to close to home,,,,,according to site lists that person hasnt even been to my blog.... interesting

Urban_Hermit 70M
339 posts
4/13/2015 7:43 am

Hey Free, you are an "aspi' crazy chic that is soft and pliable, out of reach and yet mouldable, stressed out and admirable, God bless ya sis.

Judgement Day will be interesting.

Sojourner06 61M
1768 posts
4/13/2015 9:41 am

Hi Restless.

Somebody told me your Blog and Posts are open for anyone to see, because you don't choose to let them be visible "Only for Members".
That might be the reason he know what you post, without you being able to see all your visitors.
But somebody positive, enjoys your Posts.

It's a VERY long time since I had him visiting my Blog for reading. But it's open for his reading and comments. - Even I doubt his writings is worth publication.

I am still waiting for some more IT-jokes...



I Can Explain It To You, But I Can’t Understand It For You

Good News For Christian Man ABP


Sojourner06 61M
1768 posts
4/13/2015 4:25 pm

    Quoting restlesspirit:
    the point is, it is not MY posts but his, mine are open for all to see, but he posts something about Palmetto woman who is obviously me but does NOT let me read it,, thats what Im saying

    just for u ,, ill find some more.. ROTF

IF you were able to read his posts, you would probably correct all his errs, and then he would be looking like more than a fool.

His writings isn't daylight-proof, so they have to stay in the darkness.
You cares, but your good reputation overcomes his lies.



Let's keep up the good fight...

I Can Explain It To You, But I Can’t Understand It For You

Good News For Christian Man ABP