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restlesspirit 66F
424 posts
12/20/2014 5:03 am
re: offended

Kinda odd that someone that thinks if we don't listen to his words we are offending Christ WONT LET US read his blogs.. HM<,,, so we aren't worthy of the true prophets words??? JUDGMENTAL ATTITUDES<,,

NOW>> where have I heard THAT ONE before.. same spirit,,,,,, must have jumped ship from Jer to someone else... sad...

Sojourner06 61M
1768 posts
12/20/2014 12:23 pm

I understood the headline of his Post otherwise:

Those who are offended with his words is offended because they are in Christ...

To me it made perfectly sense.



I Can Explain It To You, But I Can’t Understand It For You

Good News For Christian Man ABP


Sojourner06 61M
1768 posts
12/20/2014 12:35 pm

Reading acts I can see the teaching of the Apostles was confirmed with miracles by the Lord.

Not confirmed by the Apostles by their own words telling they were sent by the Lord.

Jesus says that "he is not witnessing about himself because that would be an empty witnessing, but the Father is witnessing with him" or something like that...

Do the Holy Spirit confirm my words?
Your words?
His words?

Or is it just words of a man?



I Can Explain It To You, But I Can’t Understand It For You

Good News For Christian Man ABP


Sojourner06 61M
1768 posts
12/20/2014 1:55 pm

    Quoting Sojourner06:
    Reading acts I can see the teaching of the Apostles was confirmed with miracles by the Lord.

    Not confirmed by the Apostles by their own words telling they were sent by the Lord.

    Jesus says that "he is not witnessing about himself because that would be an empty witnessing, but the Father is witnessing with him" or something like that...

    Do the Holy Spirit confirm my words?
    Your words?
    His words?

    Or is it just words of a man?


The verse I tried to quote is this:

John 5:31 - 47 (NIV):
31 - "If I testify about myself, my testimony is not valid.



I Can Explain It To You, But I Can’t Understand It For You

Good News For Christian Man ABP


Sojourner06 61M
1768 posts
12/20/2014 2:13 pm

    Quoting restlesspirit:
    the point S is is that if he is speaking the truth about Christ WHY not let the light shine on everyone, friends and enemies, just make the posts so no replies are allowed.. hes hiding his posts which makes him suspect in my eyes.
As soon as he open up so everybody is able to see his writings but can't make comments, then those able to read but not comment can make Posts on their own Blogs on the same subject and then correct him.

He received some comments that was not in his favour, and they got erased.
Then it is better to write comments and responses at your own Blog.

The problem for him is the comments and replies that is not in his favour.
He seems to need "the praise from others" to show he is a great spiritual leader.

To me his own writings show the uppersit.
-"I will publicize her private chats to me soon and show how she mocks and makes fun of people. ";
- "It's interesting that many who claim to know our Savior really don't know him.";
- "It's so sad that people who think they are mature cannot forgive things that irritate them. Christ gave it all, laid down his life, overlooked the sins of the people who killed him. Yet some people cannot even overlook a few differences. "

Others do - and it's wrong; others believe - and it's wrong; others say - and it's wrong; others do not know - what I know....

This "New Website" he wrote about... Why don't he just go there instead...?

By the way: I don't think his recent posts are more than a headline...



I Can Explain It To You, But I Can’t Understand It For You

Good News For Christian Man ABP


Sojourner06 61M
1768 posts
12/22/2014 2:15 am

    Quoting  :

Conclusion: nobody is offended.



I Can Explain It To You, But I Can’t Understand It For You

Good News For Christian Man ABP


Sojourner06 61M
1768 posts
12/22/2014 12:47 pm

    Quoting Sojourner06:
    Conclusion: nobody is offended.


I wasn't pointing at you, Restless or anyone else by writing above.

I just made a funny conclusion: When nobody - except his friends - can read his posts and there are no friends to come and read the posts, then nobody have read the latest ones and therefore nobody can be offended.



I Can Explain It To You, But I Can’t Understand It For You

Good News For Christian Man ABP