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restlesspirit 66F
424 posts
1/27/2014 3:49 pm
to blog whiners

to all you blog whiners that spend all day online and have nothing better to do then moan about how bad things are

Sojourner06 61M
1768 posts
1/27/2014 5:19 pm

Hi Restlesspirit.

Would you mind to tell at least me what is going on?



I Can Explain It To You, But I Can’t Understand It For You

Good News For Christian Man ABP


Sojourner06 61M
1768 posts
1/27/2014 11:38 pm

"Whiners" is not in my dictionary.

Seems like it is not a winner...



I Can Explain It To You, But I Can’t Understand It For You

Good News For Christian Man ABP


RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
1/28/2014 8:15 am

you are the biggest whiner that ever set foot in this place. oh wah, he kicked me to the curb and smashed my car. oh wah, they kicked me out of teaching and i have to move to florida. oh wah, my tenants left this place a mess and i have to fix everything. oh wah, i have to go back to work.

has anyone else noticed how HUGE wispa's head is?

Sojourner06 61M
1768 posts
1/28/2014 8:19 am

I just met a new word and wandered what it means.

I know my shoes are another size...



I Can Explain It To You, But I Can’t Understand It For You

Good News For Christian Man ABP