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Blogs > restlesspirit > My Blog |
Food for Thought happend to run across this post in the groups here,,interesting MARRIAGE IS NOT A MUST. |
Recently (almost 3 months ago) my wife who I've been separated from for over 5 years served me with divorce papers. I knew it was coming, just by how brief and impersonal our phone conversations had become leading up to it. I had suggested marriage counseling before we separated, but she said "It's too expensive", and "I don't want to talk about something like that right now". I asked her again about it just prior to her serving me with the divorce papers, and she said "I'm happy where I'm at in my life right now"....and "this is the best for both of us". Obviously she's moved on and is with someone else. I spent many hours praying, sought advise from my pastor and assistant pastor, and scoured through scripture for guidance in this. I was directed to several scripture references with directions concerning divorce like the one - Mark 10:9 (KJV)What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunderyou mentioned - but there is one that stood apart from the others: Matthew 5:31/32(KJV)5:31It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: 5:32But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery My wife had indeed left me for someone else. Several months after she left I ended up meeting and was living in sin with a woman up until two years ago. And although this was before I came back to the Lord earlier this year, in reality I also committed adultery. I have repented, prayed and was forgiven by God for this, but I don't believe my soon-to-be ex wife has done the same. Every day I pray that she repents and comes to God for forgiveness to save herself. So even though by law I had no choice but to accept the papers being served to me, and even though scripture states I'M ok to do so because of her adultery, I informed her that due to my relationship in Christ that I wouldn't condone the divorce. Unfortunately for me, my refusal to sign the papers has no affect on the divorce proceedings. Here in California, if the party being served (me in this instance)declines to sign and return the papers within a month from the party who served them (her) having submitted them to the court, its treated as a "no contest" ruling, and she will be awarded the divorce. So since I had no control in this, I completely gave it all over to the Lord, and He has given me peace in it. And like restless, I feel that at this time God wants me to remain single and focus on Him. Sorry for ranting in your blog, restless.