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RockyG666 64M
1645 posts
7/10/2021 8:56 am

Last Read:
8/29/2021 2:18 pm

i fell outta my chair when i rushed out on a bong

i fell outta my chair when i rushed out on a bong and REALLY messed myself up

i think i re-injured my broken ribs (from the scooter) , now i am TOO sore to do more bongs, but i am trying

i need airbags for this chair

i just rushed out again on a bong

i went out today and got a buttload of indica

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
7/15/2021 2:22 pm

imma glad that your SO concerned

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
7/23/2021 9:00 am

no thank you

SayWhat 72F
126 posts
7/27/2021 4:01 pm

No class, no shame, no life. That is you.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
7/28/2021 5:28 am

why do you make me miss my wife ?

beckss 41F

7/31/2021 6:35 am

Can we be friends..

Happylovely9 35F

8/16/2021 6:07 am

Hello there how are you doing today

SayWhat 72F
126 posts
8/22/2021 2:11 pm

*I wonder if 666 is dead by now. Hope so. Then, other actual Christians can come in, blog, frequent the blogs again.*

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
8/23/2021 2:34 pm

this HAS to be my ex

garciagabrielle 29F

9/29/2021 2:57 am

haha... that a clean bong though

garciagabrielle 29F

9/29/2021 2:59 am

I don't see anything wrong with having a smoking habit except the health risks. Bein christian does not mean you have to stop something or live a particular life.