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RockyG666 64M
1645 posts
2/25/2021 12:50 pm

Last Read:
3/4/2021 9:33 am

i been messing with solar power in my windows

the electronics behind solar power are still being thought out. reminds of figuring how audio was done. i have come up with 4 different panels, with 4 different approaches. but it always comes down positive and negative, and i have been able power/ up 2 separate batteries.

i bought a BUNCH of aligator clips on ebay, for roach clips, and i am using them to wire up my system.i have been able to solar power my led grow lights for most of the 24hours so far, but i have NOT hooked up 2 of my panels yet!

the two foldable panels in the center are twelveseavans and the other one is a grape hundred watt panel. the fourth will go over the two foldables will be a suner power watt (i ordered a 2x4 from amazing )

i am using a yeti goal zero battery and a jackery to store power!

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
2/26/2021 3:11 pm

is this south easterner from wire club?

SayWhat 72F
126 posts
2/28/2021 1:05 pm

Good God, you are an unceasing NUTCASE. You need to be put to sleep.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
2/28/2021 3:50 pm


RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
3/2/2021 5:59 am

i can NOT remember big head here!

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
3/2/2021 3:56 pm

sholo, i could NOT get into weirdtown today