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RockyG666 64M
1645 posts
4/23/2014 6:31 am

Last Read:
4/27/2014 2:44 pm

plank eye

webfoot, you are NOT god. thank god.

neither are you 4nik8 or pete or rowan or strongpretender or rojo.

thank god.

NOBODY can judge my heart except god.

frankly, when people think they can judge my heart it makes me sad for them. if they actually read the bible, they know it is a sin to judge. they evidently must think they are god. that is really sad on so many levels.

that said, in my own defense, my sick sense of humor does not reflect on my faith at all. probly it reflects on my upbringing. i grew up a street rat in chicago. neither of my parents know god and they both have borderline sick senses of humor. i was the oldest of 5 and we all have the same lower echelon humor. we like fart jokes. sue us.

however, fart jokes are not sin.

you can not like fart jokes, that is your priveledge. but to call me a sinner for liking fart jokes is a sin.

also: i am NOT responsible for what people i refferred to BC post on the blogs they create. BC has caused me to myself for points in order to have pictures on my blog. i have referred several others that like fart jokes in order to earn points so that i can continue to have blog pictures. what they do with that membership has NOTHING to do with me. just give me the points maam.

i am not guilty of sin everytime someone i here referred posts a fart joke. so please, BLUE HAIR, differentiate before you start accusations. i did NOT post the blog post you have attributed to me in your blog post. THAT post is what stirred up the little anti-christ coven of persecution i am addressing here.

read your bibles foos. it is NOT your christian duty to judge and persecute. rather, it is SIN.

all you self righteous pharisees have NO clue how i live my life. my life is VERY much dedicated to christ. the ONLY thing you JUDGE on is a few minutes i spend here to UNWIND. the rest of my life is REALLY pretty boring. i don't have much sin in my life at all.

my ONE achilles heel is reefer. and that is not so bad as far as vices go. i even try not to swear or be grumpy. i definitely try not to judge others or intentially cause them to fall from christ.

y'all need to READ your bibles and pray some more before you persecute.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
4/23/2014 12:46 pm

god knows my heart and we are cool.

shure, i mess up. more than i should or want to.

but my messups have NOTHING to do with fart jokes or marijuana.

my messups have to do with being selfish. or unkind. or angry.

i WISH the only thing i had to worry about was a sense of humor

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
4/26/2014 1:42 pm

fart jokes do NOT place our immortal souls in peril

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
4/27/2014 2:44 pm

i don't think either fart or putrid are biblical terms