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RockyG666 64M
1650 posts
4/19/2014 10:09 am

Last Read:
4/22/2014 5:43 pm

the solar sunflower

i have found something called a heliostat, which tracks and makes adjustments to the sun's movements so that it can keep a focused reflection of its rays in the same spot here on earth as the sun moves. i didn't realize that this was even a thing.

i have been playing with mirrors and chrome panels trying to get sun into my gangway. i don't have a yard, just the gangway. it gets sun everyday from 11:00 to 1:00 and then it is over. the sun at 11:00 and at 1:00 are on opposite ends of the 'yard' so i have to keep moving to stay in that sun. i have benches at either end, but i keep looking for a way to get sun across the whole space for longer than two hours.

enter the sunflower. it is a solar powered device that will so what i am looking to do. the only problem is that it is $300. i think i am still going to break down and buy one. i needs my sun.

i also hid a guitar hanger in a fake tree by one of the benches for easier access. you can kind of see it hiding in the fake leaves on the side of the bench

****UPDATE*** i ordered the sunflower!