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RockyG666 64M
1645 posts
3/12/2014 2:45 pm

Last Read:
3/13/2014 3:23 pm

lights on nobody home

now that i am a SILVER member, i have a right to expect some standard services around here. this place has been like an out of season carnival. NOTHING works and nobody is fixing it.

comments on blogs don't show up for days, or disappear all together. blog posts are held pending for weeks. the SAME stuff is displaying on the main pages EVERY day. NOTHING IS BEING UPDATED.

it is like a stagnant pond. the dead sea.

this place is SO going down. it is like poised to run and hide at any given second. save your money and your integrety and do not buy a membership here or sell your soul for credits. this is no longer an fully operating network. it is running on rubberbands and super glue. and maybe squirrel running in a wheel.

this post has been BANNED by BC. hahahahaha

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
3/13/2014 3:23 pm

no way. i am a SILVER member now and i do not have blog pics?

and nothing on the main blog pages are being updated. this is a sinking ship.