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RockyG666 64M
1645 posts
3/10/2014 8:57 am

Last Read:
3/11/2014 6:49 pm

prostituting myself for blog pictures

i just can't stand blogs without pictures.

they are just characters on a screen and do not invite you to read.

therefor, i have decided to play BCs game and get a membership so i can have pictures on this blog. i am selling my soul to BC and doing EVERYTHING they list to gain points that i can redeem in membership. i have done this before in a previous BC life and i think there are enough points available to get a 3 month membership.

NO FORKING WAY am i paying for a membership here. this place is falling apart. we never even know if it will be here from one day to the next. they just forking disappeared for a few years a year ago. and now they want my money? NO FORKING WAY.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
3/10/2014 3:20 pm

pete you judgmental hipocrital con artist.

words are not christian or no.

it is what is in the heart that speaks them, as christ tells us.

that said, prostituting myself is EXACTLY the correct word for what BC is making me do to myself for them just to get pictures on my blog.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
3/11/2014 6:49 pm

so? you can call me names and judge my faith, but i am not allowed to do the same?

pete, time after time after time, you insult me and my heart. i love you man, but i am giving you back what you put out.