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RockyG666 64M
1645 posts
3/6/2014 9:26 am

Last Read:
3/7/2014 4:32 pm

no pictures on blogs for the lowly?

i found out why BC isn't posting our pictures on our blogs anymore. they changed thier rules. you have to be silver or gold to get pics on blogs now. i have a pic of the screen that says that, but i can't post it.

this is a really rotten way to thank us bloggers for the way we have been hanging in there through all of this BC re-organiziation crap. they have forgotten who thier REAL customers are.

way to go big church. it is ONLY about the money to you.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
3/6/2014 3:10 pm

i was going to redeem my points and upgrade to a silver, but they reduced the term to only 1 month. it useta be for 3 months. 2200 points for 1 month. no thanks. i will just go on pictureless. your loss.