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paul (reblog Apr 19, 2006. 2006 ) it occurs to me that i haven't done a bible commentary in a while. to tell true, i haven't been reading it as faithfully as i had been...the new job has kind of eaten up a lot of my free time. but i have been at it as i can, and i have just finished romans.i think that i liked paul much better in acts than in his letters to churches. in acts he was a crusader, a hero, a soldier of the lord. in corrinthians he was a preacher wagging a finger, in thessalonians as well. although in both he still lays out a lot of great theology, he is overall getting a little romans he really goes over the edge and is talking in circles a lot. i had to re-read it as i was reading it, and still wasn't getting his point. jesus talked in circles a lot too, but when i would re-read him, i would get it (usually). with paul in romans, i was not getting more than i was. one thing i totally got, and i really liked, was the slave to righteousness thing. i could really get my heart around that. yes, i am a slave to righteousness. i used to be a slave to sin, but now i am a slave to is amazing how many times in any given day that my old self starts, almost second nature, to do something that my new self doesn't do anymore. not neccesarily because it is sin, although sometimes it is, but because it isn't the right thing to do. or the most right thing to do. in my past, i would lie without thinking twice, take something that wasn't mine, be cruel, be thoughtless, etc. now, i consider what i am doing and weigh it's value and it's rightousness before i do it. many times, i will then think of a much more right thing to do and will get a little kick out of doing it. i am a slave to righteousness.another thing that i liked was his teaching about laying out obstacles for our brethren. it is in my (old) nature to argue and to voice my opinions very strongly. i found myself in not a few contentious issues right here on this site. then i realized that i didn't need to prove anything to anyone, and that by fighting for my point i might be hurting someone else's romans, paul says not to do that. i had figured that out before i read it, but he puts it into words that are easy to understand. there is a brother here who was worried for me. he thought that i had succommed to the wishes and opinions of the self-sanctified that were not necessarily founded in scripture. he thought that i was afraid to perform certain actions or acts because of what some people said and beleived. he was mistaken. i was only afraid to cause such people, who were obviously weaker than i, to doubt themselves and stumble. paul says that if it is really important to someone's faith not to eat meat, then we should not eat meat around him, even if we believe he is wrong. anything that might rock another's faith is wrong. even if the thing in question is not really wrong. anyway. this is all, of course, my take on this. i will keep reading and keep commentating on what i find. i hope i get to some more red letters soon. before romans, i had been in kings and chronicles, and i am WAY overdue for some more personal jesus. |
i think this was my first ever read through the bible. an NIV study bible that my (then) church gave me. i had a little reading schedule thingee that bounced around through the whole book, but led you through reading it in a year. before i finished that first read, my pastor got hisself involved in a sex scandal and the church closed on Jan 1 of 2008.