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RockyG666 64M
1645 posts
2/28/2014 8:24 am

Last Read:
3/20/2014 6:30 pm

maybe it isn't marky?

i have been accusing marky of contacting my pastor and lieing about me ever since someone contacted my pastor and lied about me. at that time, i AUTOMATICALLY blamed marky because he did the same thing to char, and at that time he and i were fighting a lot in chat. of course i always would win and he would always run away totally flamed.

however, i had NEVER asked my pastor who was writing him and what he was saying. i just instantly assumed marky. there was also an instance of the person writing him again between the first time, and lately, and marky and i were not fighting then. it sort of surprised me, but i just let it go.

recently i asked my pastor about such details, and my pastor doesn't even remember. he told me he makes post it note reminders about things that he needs to mention to congregation members, but once he mentions what he needed to, he TOTALLY forgets about it. he has too many sheep to remember all the personal details all the time.

coupled with marky's own feeble attempts to remember if he wrote my pastor or not, i have begun thinking:

what if it isn't marky?

then who the heck is it? i have another retarded adversary onlinef as whacked and maliscious as marky? lord, i hope not.

it really doesn't matter. it is over. and WHOEVER tried to defame me has failed. while it is good to keep your dangerous enemies close, it really isn't important to worry about impotent enemies so much.

SO. to whomever tried to hurt me. wow. good try, but no cigar.

i am sorry for whatever i did that pissed you off that much, and i will never do it again. now go stalk someone else.

and marky, if it was not you, i apologize. but you still did it to char and caff and i still don't trust you. if it WAS you marky, i know where you live and flights are cheap lately.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
2/28/2014 8:39 pm

i need to know who to forgive?

or to thank