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RockyG666 64M
1645 posts
2/22/2014 5:41 pm

Last Read:
2/26/2014 2:21 pm

imaginary gnat (re-blog)

imaginary gnat Aug 20, 2006 9:16 pm 205 Views

imaginary gnat
buzzing in my ear,
i try to squish you flat
but you're not even here.

imaginary gnat
flying 'round my head,
i don't know where you're at
but i'm gonna make you dead

old school, new school,
uncool old fool,
leave me the f*** alone,

governmental, detrimental,
going mental
put me in a f***in; home.

cause i can only honk my horn so many times,
i can only wait in so many lines,
i musta called a thousand times,
but i'm still on hold;

please do not hang up,...
your call will be answered in the order in which it was recieved:
L A S T ! !

imaginary gnat
nesting in my hair,
i pound you with a bat,
but you're not really there.

imaginary gnat
spawning in my brain,
i can't imagine that
i'm imagining this pain.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
2/24/2014 7:29 am

it is not a poem, it is a song. it is a song about losing control that i wrote right after they let me out of the psycho ward at northeastern.

i have not thought of this song in quite a while. i used to perform it live when everyone in my crowd thought that i was really certifiably insane. it is scarey how much it is still true in my life now.