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RockyG666 64M
1645 posts
1/24/2014 9:27 am

Last Read:
2/21/2014 8:13 pm

Christian Rock Cover Band Wannabe Seeking Members

I have a regular place to practice with instruments and equipment, including microphones, P.A.s and digital recording. I have a 30 song wish list of good solid rock songs that happen to be about jesus. NOT the earwigs on Christian radio stations.

I put the ad above on craig’s list last night, and so far a drummer has responded. He is supposed to come for the open mic tonite. If nothing else this may help drum up some bodies for my Friday nites. Below is a partial list of Christian songs that really rock and want to cover:

Ball & Chain (Mike Ness), Sugar Rush, Lions (lost & fond), psychedelic super jesus, you wanted me, bombs over broadway, failed Christian, double cure, you call yourself a Christian (stone soul foundation), catholic girls (frank zappa), holy rolling hot rod, the myspace song (good clean fun), spaceman (bride), I walk the line (Johnny cash), spirit in the sky, war going on (todd agnew), the worm, out of my mind (gs megaphone), I don’t care (donnas), don’t gotta prove it, help me out god (superchick), I’m not the king (audio adrenaline), tomorrow never comes, runaway train (GKBand), charles in charge, 2 sets of joneses (big tent), some things never change (bride).

there are a LOT of other straight up secular songs that are, or can be seen as being, about the gospel like alice cooper's nothing free, or dylan's knocking on heaven's door. there is probably not a HUGE market for this kind of band, but there are currently NONE like this that i know of and i KNOW we can play at my church and a few other churches around here. what i am really hoping for is a house band for god's garage that plays every friday nite until open mic people show up.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
1/24/2014 8:38 pm

yeah, like tonite, a lotta young people (20s?) and they were not really musicians but they wanted to sing praise songs. one girl sang a few accapello and she was great. if we had a house band, we would hafta know all the popular praise songs, but then it could be like live kareoke.

the potential drummer didn't show tonite, but a potential singer called and we need to talk more. it seems like god is sending me some people. thank you god