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RockyG666 64M
1646 posts
1/2/2014 2:21 pm

Last Read:
1/4/2014 9:35 am


there are people in chat that have iggied me for no apparent reason at all. there are also people who have the lamest of reasons. that said, i am very aware that there are a few people that probably have a very valid reason why.

even so, i think that chat ettiquette (or lack thereof) also applies in blog land. if you iggy me in chat, you are saying that i don't have a right to speak what is on my heart. likewize, i am saying that if you don't let me speak in chat, you may not speak on my blog.

this is not an eye for an i, rather it is a wake up call to those that think they are somehow above others. i believe that iggy is a sin, you can't treat someone as you want to be treated if you do not allow them to speak.

as long as i am ranting on iggy, iggy is also often cowardly. it is sticking your head in the sand to run away. like an ostrich. the only problem is that your 'other' side is still exposed to those you have hid in the sand from.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
1/2/2014 5:59 pm

flattuence is not crude, it is a natural part of the world. christ was 100% human, so he had gas too. EVERYBODY else in the bible would have also dropped an F bomb.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
1/3/2014 7:23 am

you people have NO sense of humor *farts in balloon* (for later)

jeremiah, i am not brutish, i am a prowd american.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
1/3/2014 2:51 pm

profanity is not a sin you guys. and farts are not profane

just because you grew up in a snooty stuck up environment where people have a heart attack about bodily funcitons or nakedness, does not mean that the rest of the world has to follow suit or is unchristian.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
1/3/2014 9:10 pm

that is funny because i have been reading 'mondo popeye' lately. it is a modern update of the original popeye. it is popeye and all the characters today. and besides that, god was the first one to say i yam what i yam

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
1/4/2014 9:35 am

meow, you are not my daddy, or my preist.

YES jesus has transformed me. you have NO idea who i used to be.

god is my hope, my guiding light. i really try not to detour at all.

loving GOD is not being all goody goody. sometimes loving god means hard truths. loving god has nothing to do with social graces. jesus was NOT always polite. he beat the crap out of the money changers in the temple, and really smack talked the pharisees. who were, by the way, the LAW at that time.

PEOPLE are the ones that make the social rules now. social conformity has NOTHING to do with god.