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RockyG666 64M
1646 posts
12/16/2013 7:29 am

Last Read:
12/17/2013 8:45 am

green bong water

green bong water doesn't mean that a water change is WAY over due. i have discovered a way to recycle bong water. now, please understand that this is PURELY scientific and has NOTHING to do with any sort of illegal activity or tree hugging hippies.

first i tried boiling the water and scraping the residue out of the pan/container. i tried it over the stove, and in the microwave. there was significant residue produced, but further testing proved the residue useless. it would not get a fly buzzed.

then i tried pouring the water into a coffee filter. i put the filter down over the sink drain and then let it dry a few hours. then i scrape the stuff that is left in the filter into a little tupperware thing. there isn't much. but if i change out the water every day or so, it adds up after a while.

this stuff is DYNAMITE. there is a lotta useless ash carbon in it, and it is hard to RE-bong because it is so finely mooshed. (that is a technical term). it also tastes like butt. but, man, it is potent.

i just thought that this was an important piece of highly scientific information that i HAD to share. i am very certain there are many brothers and sisters in blogland that will appreciate this.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
12/16/2013 11:22 am

oh, this is strictly for medical use. yep. that's the ticket. medical marijuana. totally legal.

i thought i had posted about my falling off the pot wagon before? maybe i will address it again. it is TOTALLY just temporary

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
12/16/2013 2:34 pm

i will defend myself in another post. you guys are blowing everything WAY out of proportion. i am just eccentric

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
12/17/2013 8:45 am

i KNOW for a fact that there are a LOT of other burnouts on this site. where are you when i need you?