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RockyG666 64M
1645 posts
10/4/2013 9:20 am

Last Read:
10/8/2013 1:52 pm

acceptable degree of racism

I have to call out the elephant in the room. ANY degree of racism is too much racism. There seems to be a bigchurch-wide acceptance that it is ok to just generally bash obamma and his policies without offering any really intelligent and godly reason.

OK, I understand that much of it is just the partisan politics thing. The democrats cry just as much when there is a republican in the white house. However, I think the current phenomenon goes way beyond simple partisanship. I think that the underlying problem in this case IS racism.

people are trying to UNDO things that have been (very contestedly) been voted into law. people are trying to find ways around legal (and godly) procedures by filing official legal whining to the supreme court and/or 'defunding' things. that is not business as usual, that is not fair or impartial. it is racism straight up.

yes, you are right; is just a teemsy little bit of racism. I mean, most of the people concerned will tell you they have black friends and have listened to hip hop music and are not racist at all. Not even a little bit. Unfortunately, the black ‘friends’ people have tend to be someone they knew in high school and haven’t seen since.

We are talking about white people that live comfortably in comfortable white neighborhoods and generally live comfortably completely separate from the black community. These are the white people that say they are not racist at all and yet have a cow if a black man asks their out on a date, or get irrationally angry or aggressive when a black man moves next door...or is elected president. It makes them irrationally uncomfortable.

I have to admit, I would be similarly uncomfortable with a female president. I mean, I don’t think that women are not capable, or that they are not equal in every way...and yet...I considered it searchingly and had to admit it would bug me on some level to have hillary in the white house. I would likely find fault with everything about her that I could, especially any policies that affected me, because I was really uncomfortable with her being president in the first place.

That is the attitude that a majority of you have towards obamma. You are miffed somewhere in your whitebread hearts that a black man is president and you pick every nit that you can. I did not vote for obamma. I am not sure if I even like him and his policies or not. I have often been derided as a liberal around here, but the truth is that I am more conservative than not. Liberal is NOT a bad word, the bible is more liberal than not. I think that we need to draw thicker lines between helping people to learn to fish and supplying them with endless free fish.

Whatever your politics, examine your own uncomfortableness with our president and be true to yourself about what is causing it.

and then shut the front door, please.


10/5/2013 11:28 am

I was thinking along the lines of what Pete said. I honestly would have been thrilled to have a black president, or a woman president. That would have been awesome. But not one who has done all the things this one has done to this country. It wouldn't surprise me if he wanted Sharia law for Muslims in the USA! He backs radical muslims!

"Love is Patient..."

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
10/5/2013 11:43 am

abortion and gay marriage are local state issues?

they have nothing to do with the president. you should campaign locally for such causes if that is what you believe in.

electing the chief executive officer of this country based on such issues is short sighted and a large part of what is wrong with the government.

Inquisitive142 77F
116 posts
10/6/2013 2:18 pm

The overwhelming majority of blacks voted for Obama just because he was black.

You don't think that blacks or hispanics etc are racist?

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
10/6/2013 2:36 pm

the classic everyone else is doing it to defense.

the classic answer to that is:

if they were all jumping off the cliff does that mean you have to jump too?

Inquisitive142 77F
116 posts
10/6/2013 4:29 pm

No defense intended.Just an observation about a group of racist people.I was thinking you are against racism but maybe you are just against racism when you believe it is against blacks.

I might have voted for Herman Cain based on where he stood on moral issues.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
10/6/2013 5:04 pm

i am against a lot of things. i am for a lot of things too.

i only posted on this blog here about ONE of the things i am against

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
10/7/2013 9:57 am

is momma obamma really white?

that is easy to believe, because obamma really seems more cacaision than not.