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RockyG666 64M
1645 posts
10/3/2013 12:37 pm

Last Read:
10/7/2013 1:33 pm

long way from home

back in the day, i set out on my way,
now i'm a long, long way from home.
if i had my way i wouldn't have stayed away,
but i stopped a lot along the way
and i got lost

i didn't mean to go astray,
it don't pay to stay away from home
now i'm a long, long way
a long, long long ass way from home.

i put it all up for sale,
for some cocktails and some tail,
and i headed down that trail
away from home.

i ended up in jail,
and my best freind made my bail,
i had a check was in the mail,
but the mail's at home.

and my friend broke down and cried and said
"you know, its never to late to hightail it home"

but i'm a long, long way,
a long, long long ass way from home.

a man work hard every day,
he gotta make some time to play,
but i always get carried away
when i get stoned.

if i could go back yesterday,
i would give it all away.
i would have made more time to pray
and stayed at home.

but when my best friend got betrayed
there was nothing more i could say,
i just wanna go home.

but i'm a long, long way,
a long, long long ass way from home.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
10/3/2013 7:17 pm

this is my latest song. i am really proud of it. it is sort of about charlie. the best friend is jesus

petey, i need to grow a regular 'congregation' for the friday night open mic first and foremost. i have been at it for just a little over a year and it has gone from completely pathetic and dead to just mildly embarassingly slow. but i think it will take off eventually.

once the friday night gets regular i want to add a regular weekly service. like maybe wednesday nite or something. when i get around to doing that, i want to maybe have guest preachers...


10/4/2013 8:03 am

Having heard you before on c.d., I'm sure it's good.

"Love is Patient..."

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
10/4/2013 8:52 am

the best way to help god's garage is to spread the word.

it is a really great musicians ministry space with a lot of top of the line equipment, and a person with a servant's heart running it.

(well, ok, i have a selfish heart too, but i keep that well hidden on friday nights)

all we need is some more butts in the pews


10/4/2013 6:17 pm

Wish it wasn't so far. I'd play there.

"Love is Patient..."


10/5/2013 6:16 am

Hey pup! I wish there was audio here!

"Love is Patient..."

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
10/5/2013 7:11 pm

i am going to put it up on my site when i get a good recording of it. i will post that i did it.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
10/7/2013 1:33 pm

PUPPY!!! i missed that it was you. hi!