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RockyG666 64M
1645 posts
11/15/2012 7:21 pm

Last Read:
11/16/2012 3:18 pm

watch cat

my cat hobbes thinks she is a dog. she comes crying every morning to go out in the 'yard.' i use the term yard loosely because we don't really have a yard, the building takes up the entire lot, so we only have a gangway. but hobbes doesn't seem to mind, she runs from one end to the other like she owns the place. she could hop the fence if she wanted, but she is a loyal catdog and stays put.

RockyG666 64M
1357 posts
11/16/2012 3:18 pm

thanks and blessings. yes, hobbes is a blessing. she is a lot of fun when i am bored. i had a pic up before, but it disappeared? i put it back, hopefully it will stay