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(William Watson)
20501 posts
4/1/2006 3:44 pm

Last Read:
4/2/2006 7:32 am

The Elements Of A Righteous Prayer

In order to put more power in your prayer you should learn some of the elements that make a righteous prayer that will get a hold of God.
Your prayer needs to be instinctive and spontaneous. No need to make a bunch of phone calls, emails, text messages whatever, first and foremost take your request and give it to the Lord.
Your prayer needs to be praisefully reverent, God put us here to praise and worship Him. Check out the Lord's prayer in the book of Matthew that is a perfect example of being praisefully reverent.
Your prayer needs to be intimately personal, you acknowledge God's sovereignity and next you want to acknowledge God as your friend.
Next you don't demand of God what you want you need to keep your prayer respectfully informative. You want to remind God of the promises that He has given us in the bible. God already knows your wants, your needs, your desires but He still wants you to ask Him.
Your prayer needs to be direct. No need to do like the pharisee's did in the bible and point out the fault of others. Just go before the throne of God directly and forthright in your prayer to God.
Your prayer needs to be properly motivated so that the world sees the grace of God when He delivers us from our situations that we are in.
Your prayer needs to be powerfully effective and in doing so will show the powerful effect of the righteous man's prayer.
So follow these steps and apply them to your daily prayer lives and watch what the Lord will do for you.

May the Lord bless you and keep you

(Carol )

4/1/2006 4:33 pm

So you are probably too young to know Tennesee Ernie Ford and his recordings. There was this great song called "Others." Part of it was like this:

Lord help me live from day to day in such a self-forgetful way
That even when I kneel to pray, my prayers shall be for others.
Others, Lord yes, others. Let this my motto be. Help me to
live for others that I may live like Thee.

All of your points above are completely right on! Praying for others helps us to keep the focus off of ourselves and keeps us ever mindful of the overflow of blessings we already have from Him.

(William Watson)
18097 posts
4/1/2006 7:11 pm

classy lady, i guess i am older as i do know the songs of tennesee ernie ford, also remember him appearing on the i love lucy show as well, hahahaha, God bless you and thanks for your post, cheers

May the Lord bless you and keep you