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Dangerous Health Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore The sudden death of actress Natasha Richardson not only came as a tragic shock but as a warning to all that seemingly mild symptoms can sometimes be fatal. True, no one wants to rush off to the ER at the first sign of every ailment so a little knowledge goes a long way. Below are some dangerous symptoms you can’t afford to ignore. Horrible Headache If you’re experiencing a headache worse that any you’ve had before‒get to the doctor. This is a symptom of brain bleeding and could be the beginning signs of an aneurysm. If your headache is accompanied by stiffness and you can’t move your neck, meningitis could be a possible culprit and you’ll need antibiotics immediately to prevent permanent damage. Intense Stomach Pain Do you still have your appendix? Don’t take the chance that it may rupture‒head to the ER immediately. An appendix could rupture as soon as 48 to 72 hours after symptoms start. The infection from a ruptured appendix is very serious can be life-threatening. Pins and Needles Feeling in Your Legs or Feet According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly 24 million Americans have diabetes and one-quarter of those are undiagnosed. Elevated blood sugar levels could damage your circulatory and nervous systems, lead to full-blown diabetes and eventually life-threatening complications if not treated. Slurred Speech, paralysis, confusion and numbness All are signs of a potential stroke. Run, don’t walk to the ER. Catching the warning signs early on could prevent permanent damage to your brain. Pain and Swelling in Your Calf. Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT is a potentially fatal problem that strikes more than 600,000 people a year just in the U.S. If you’re a smoker, just had surgery, are obese, or have been sitting still for over three hours you could be at risk. If your symptoms appeared suddenly, and have lasted a few hours see your doctor as soon as possible. If you’re having shortness of breath, chest pain, or difficulty breathing, a clot may have traveled to your lungs. So, get to the ER immediately. Chest Pain Chest pain is the most common symptom ER docs see and one of the most important. Fifty percent of deaths from heart attacks happen within the first four hours, so get to the ER quickly. Chest pain doesn’t always signal a heart attack but it is still worth the time spent to have it checked out. Shortness of breath. Most of us feel a little breathless after climbing a flight of stairs, but if you’re gasping for air when laying or sitting down, it’s a possible sign of heart failure. Other causes are asthma, anxiety or a blood clot in the lungs. May the Lord bless you and keep you |
5/28/2009 11:16 am |
The "shortness of breath" symptom is especially important. Heart failure (the failure to adequately send the proper amount of blood out of the heart to the rest of the body ) can quite easily be mistaken for the symptoms of asthma, pneumonia that can progress rapidly and several other breathing aliments that people sufer and equate with those problems- not heart failure. One misconception we find is that a heart attack causes pain in the victim, when this can be the furthest thing from the truth. Some heart "attacks" involve no (or very little ) discomfort or pain but still do the damages associated with heart muscle degradation. One sign of heart failure often misplaces in our minds is swelling of the legs and feet, hands and wrists, ABDOMEN and area around the lungs. The feeling of shortness of breath becomes severe enough that breathing goes from "shortness" into actual "panting" and feelings of literal suffocation since it becomes nearly impossible to inhale. Asthma sufferers are at risk of missing this heart failure symptom unless their meds fail to provide adequate relief in which case the heart failure symptoms surpass the threshold of tolerable "medication assisted" ability to inhale- and indeed become a life threatening failure to provide circulation AND by default, oxygenation to an already damaged heart muscle itself. The filling of the lungs by the excess water/fluids that build up due to heart failure act to further endanger the heart patient in that less and less lung function remains available to properly exchange the waste gases out of the blood and replace it with oxygen- making suffocation a reality- not just a "feeling" of shortness of breath. The build up of carbon monoxide, a lethal poison to us- is rapid and deadly of it's own accord. It produces even deeper "need" for deeper breaths and of it's own accord multiplies the actions of damages to muscles and tissues all around the body, excluding in this discusion the internal organs also being damaged via lack of oxygen- the most deadly effect being further damage to an already weakened heart. It is crucial to recognize that the feeling of suffocation isn't a "normal" effect from exercise or stress or even in some cases "fear" or excitement. It goes far past such levels of temporary deficiency and into near zero volume of lung capacity to inhale with. In the NORMAL everyday heavy breathing- there is no true decline in volumes inhaled or exhaled- simply changes in frequency and depth, whereas heart failure symptoms show up as literal decreases in capacity/volume of air moved due to filling that volume with water/fluids quickly and irreversibly (without emergency intervention ) which can lead to unconsciousness and further desperate need for medical intervention. As they say- even the best of us is no match for a clot (or blockage of any sort ) that leads to a heart attack... it doesn't have to be like in the movies where one doubles over in pain clutching their chest... nor does it have to be IMMEDIATELY incapicitating or apparrent that the heart muscle has been damaged. It's FAILURE TO PUMP STRONGLY ENOUGH LATER may indeed cause further symptoms as noted above- which do indeed take hours or days to build up into life threatening problems with symptoms often not physically or mentally associated with heart attacks- since we often mistakenly equate heart attacks with PAIN that very often does not manifest. If ya ain't breathing right and you know you have not got a good reason for it- call someone. Family, friends or neighbors are a good place to start since others may be a bit more objective in observations and less inclined to wait for the symptoms to progress into what may indeed become 9-1-1 necessary. Tell someone how yer feeling breath wise- and don't assume it will be ok- suffocation is what heart failure can cause- in extreme cases- you won't be able to think clearly enough to do the 9-1-1 trick for yourself. Hey. "That's what friends are for". In heart failure- almost anyone is (or can be ) yer friend............. ask for help while ya still can... don't try to be a hero and tough it out on yer own... yer no match for what is happening to yas. TIME IS CRITICAL. Heavy breathing won't make it go away. Even if you had or have no pain in the chest etc- do the emergency "3 number" (9-1-1 ) trick and let the real professionals play with ya for a while.
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thanks for stopping by and sharing gordy, cheers May the Lord bless you and keep you
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5/28/2009 3:54 pm |
Thanks for the 'heads up' to both of you. Love and Hugs Lord, keep one hand on my shoulder and one hand over my mouth!
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5/28/2009 6:16 pm |
I had a wake up call 4 years ago. I was experiencing the pins and needles sensation in my feet and hands, but did not know what it was. It was a visit to the dentist's office that got me moving. My blood pressure was 220/160. I immediately went to an internist at my dentist's prompting. My blood sugar was over 600. I was a walking time bomb! The Lord gave me the willigness to change. I have lost over 90 pounds and I am no longer on insulin. My diabetes is controlled with diet and exercise! Praise God! For a couple of years I had a lot of the warning signs of diabetes, but I chose to ignore them. Queen of Denial! Blessings! If you don't know me you haven't missed much - but if you don't know Jesus you've missed everything!!
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you are welcome rebekka, cheers May the Lord bless you and keep you
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good for you phyli, thanks for sharing, cheers May the Lord bless you and keep you