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(William Watson)
20501 posts
4/16/2009 2:53 pm

Last Read:
4/18/2009 9:52 pm

Happy Birthday Rosie

Not sure if she is still around here or not. I thought I read something a bit back that she was leaving which is sad if she did as she was such a breath of fresh air on here.
You may know her as whitebutterfly here at BC and today is her birthday. Sorry to get it on so late but just got home from work and trying to play catch up, hahahaha.
I pray Rosie that you are having such a wonderful day on the day that the Lord made especially for you dear, cheers and may God continue to richly bless you.

May the Lord bless you and keep you

(Rosie )

4/16/2009 3:45 pm

Thank you so much my dear brother.
Yes, I'm still here.hahaha!!!
I guess the Good Lord wants to keep me here awhile longer.
I had a wonderful blessed day, Thanks To My Loving Father!
I am so grateful that He is still using me to reach others.
To Him be all the Praise and Glory.
Yesterday at bible study a sister sang the birthday song to me.
She has such a beautiful voice.
Once again thanks so much and blessings to you and family

(Rosie )

4/16/2009 6:38 pm

    Quoting  :

Hello Pete,
Nice to see you and thanks for the birthday wish.
God Bless

Rebekka_returns 78F

4/16/2009 6:39 pm

Happy Birthday to you!

Love and Hugs

Lord, keep one hand on my shoulder and one hand over my mouth!

(William Watson)
18097 posts
4/16/2009 7:44 pm

hello rosie, nice to see that you are still around here, you are such a blessing, i am one of the lucky ones because if you do stay away i know you are still emailing me some awesome stuff that you are sharing, cheers and God bless you

May the Lord bless you and keep you

(Rosie )

4/16/2009 8:21 pm

Thank you so much, I had a very blessed day.
God Bless

(Rosie )

4/16/2009 8:28 pm

    Quoting Dundeal:
    hello rosie, nice to see that you are still around here, you are such a blessing, i am one of the lucky ones because if you do stay away i know you are still emailing me some awesome stuff that you are sharing, cheers and God bless you
You are very much welcome,
thank you for noticing and for your kind words.
God Bless

AlanB2 68M

4/17/2009 2:35 am

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSIE!...I pray you have a blessed day....Glad you stayed...GBY

‘HE will rule them with an iron scepter.’... He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.... On HIS robe and on HIS thigh HE has this name written:... KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS."

(Rosie )

4/17/2009 9:51 am

Hi Alan,
Thank you so much and yes, I had a wonderful blessed day.
All the Praise and Glory to my Heavenly Father!
God Bless

(Rosie )

4/18/2009 8:42 am

    Quoting  :

Thank you Marilyn,
Yes I did have a wonderful day, Praise God.
God Bless

(Rosie )

4/18/2009 8:45 am

    Quoting  :

awwww thank you so much lahlimama,
Blessings to you and family.
God Bless