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(William Watson)
20501 posts
3/26/2009 4:28 pm

Last Read:
3/27/2009 9:11 pm

And that's when the fight started...

One year, a husband decided to buy his mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a Christmas gift. The next year, he didn't buy her a gift. When she asked him why, he replied, "Well, you still haven't used the gift I bought you last year!"
And that's how the fight started.

My wife walked into the den & asked "What's on the TV?"
I replied "Dust".
And that's how the fight started.

A woman is standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror.
She is not happy with what she sees and says to her husband, 'I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a compliment.' The husband replies, 'Your eyesight's darn near perfect.'
And that's how the fight started.

My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming
anniversary. She said, 'I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 200 in about 3 seconds. I bought her a scale.
And that's how the fight started.

I asked my wife, 'Where do you want to go for our anniversary? '
It warmed my heart to see her face melt in sweet appreciation.
'Somewhere I haven't been in a long time!' she said.
So I suggested, 'How about the kitchen?'
And that's when the fight started.

My wife and I are watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while we were in bed. I turned to her and said, 'Do you want to make love?' 'No,' she answered. I then said, 'Is that your final answer?' She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying 'Yes.' So I said, 'Then I'd like to phone a friend.'
And that's when the fight started.

I tried to talk my wife into buying a case of Miller Light for $14.95. Instead, she bought a jar of cold cream for $7.95. I told her the beer would make her look better at night than the cold cream.
And that's when the fight started.

I took my wife to a restaurant. The waiter, for some reason, took my order first. 'I'll have the strip steak, medium rare, please.' He said, 'Aren't you worried about the mad cow?'
'Nah, she can order for herself
And that's when the fight started.

May the Lord bless you and keep you

(Rosie )

3/26/2009 6:02 pm

To be on the safe side, I would pick what's on tv?
Thanks for the laugh. God Bless

(William Watson)
18097 posts
3/26/2009 7:43 pm

well hopefully Jesus4me you also learn something every once in a while as well, cheers

May the Lord bless you and keep you

(William Watson)
18097 posts
3/26/2009 7:43 pm

you are so welcome rosie, cheers

May the Lord bless you and keep you

(William Watson)
18097 posts
3/26/2009 7:43 pm

hello dawntime, happy to make you smile, cheers

May the Lord bless you and keep you

2189 posts
3/27/2009 3:18 pm

you can still find them my friend.hahahaha a lot of fights going on


(William Watson)
18097 posts
3/27/2009 9:11 pm

oh well pat, i live and learn, hahahaha, cheers

May the Lord bless you and keep you