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belovedforever2 69F
2 posts
5/17/2009 1:59 pm
Visual Appearance

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ. I need your prayers for one of our Bigchurch family member.My conversation with him has been a little sad.I'm praying that God will give him understanding of his "WORD".The conversation goes like this.He and I disagree on the subject that God made men to see a woman visually by the outer appearance.I understand that some men and some women are attracted by the outer appearances. But,not all.My view is that what is important in a brother seeking a sister should be the inner part of her "SPIRITUAL SOUL"the part that is totally committed to God in all things.To me that is what makes her beauty stand out on the outside.I back this up from two of my church members.They are both interracial couples.David and Sarah met at our church.Sarah a beautiful secretary and David a very handsome accountant.They got to know each other from our singles bible studies.Years had past and they started dating without the consent or approval of his family.David asked pastor to pray for their relationship because they both love each other.At David's request pastor did so.After many years of trials between the two David stood up in front of our church with tears flowing down his face.David asked pastor to pray for their relationship again.This time David with all his tears stood there and asked, no begged Sarah to marry him.He told her that they could get through anything as long as they are committed to the Lord.At that point Sarah with tears flowing accepted.We did not have a dry eye in the church.A month before the wedding David's family accepted the plans and joined our church.Praise God!!!.A week before the wedding Sarah was in a fatal accident and was disfigured on her face and fractures to her body.She ended up with implants.For almost a year she went through therapy and they told her she may never walk again.But,with all this going on David has stayed by her side even when she told him how much she loved him and was willing to give him up to find a sister with a beautiful outer appearance.David told her again in front of the church and his family a year later that his love for her goes above the outer appearance,that she is more beautiful than when he first saw her two years ago.David also told her that he could not imagine his life without her in it.Again God will bring us through anything as long as we service him first.David and Sarah were married and have one little boy and a baby girl on the way.My point is to my troubled Bigchurch Brother is that visual appearances does not always make the man or woman the best choices in our lives.Our spiritual faith and total committement to God is what makes us beautiful on the out side.If some of you sisters and brother disagree with this please give me a better understanding about my BigChurch brother and hold me up in your prayers if I am wrong.Have a blessed day my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.Many blessings to all of you.

(William Watson)
18097 posts
5/18/2009 2:58 pm

will pray and agree with you, cheers

May the Lord bless you and keep you

belovedforever2 replies on 5/19/2009 8:28 pm:
Thank you blessed brother for the response to my blog*Visual Appearances*and God bless you.belovedforever2

InlovewithJ 64F
58 posts
5/22/2009 9:06 am

What a beautiful story of TRUE love. I also agree wholeheartedly on the inner beauty vs outer beauty focus. Not that outer beauty doesn't matter but it matters FAR less than inner beauty. Keep preaching. It's a message this world needs to hear loud and clear!!!!