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ALoveUnknown 59F
6 posts
5/14/2009 12:27 am
Can you hear me now??

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(William Watson)
18097 posts
5/14/2009 8:23 am

thanks for sharing and welcome to the land of blogs, cheers

May the Lord bless you and keep you

ALoveUnknown 59F

5/14/2009 10:36 am

    Quoting Dundeal:
    thanks for sharing and welcome to the land of blogs, cheers
Hello to you, my name is Kitti, by the way.

(stephen m. )

5/14/2009 11:22 am

Answered you on my blog, Kitty. You have to understand this: that THIS website is "RACKED" with Scammers. Someone as Beautiful as you has got to be a scammer? I am in a relationship but I hope you find someone.

YES, I can be your friend. Signed, Steve and What's her name

Half a Boy/Half a Man? Some women like us that way.

Soaring with Christ

(stephen m. )

5/14/2009 11:26 am

I am half Slovak and half German.

Cho' tee Spevash?

Yah Mum Novy Vozik?

Half a Boy/Half a Man? Some women like us that way.

Soaring with Christ

(stephen m. )

5/14/2009 11:28 am

ACH ve Dumpsa! Shooshlik!

Half a Boy/Half a Man? Some women like us that way.

Soaring with Christ

Rebekka_returns 78F

5/14/2009 2:10 pm


Lord, keep one hand on my shoulder and one hand over my mouth!