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183 posts
4/13/2009 3:31 am
God's amazing love

Let us note them at the very beginning-‘grace’ and’ peace’. ’Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ’ (Ephesians 1:2). No two words are more important in the whole of our faith than ’grace’ and’ peace’. Yet, how lightly we tend to drop them off our tongues without stopping to consider what they mean. Grace is the beginning of our faith; peace is the end of our faith. Grace is the fountain, the spring, the source. It is that particular place in the mountain from which the mighty river you see rolling into the sea starts its race; without it there would be nothing. Grace is the origin and source and fount of everything in the Christian life. But what does the Christian life mean, what is it meant to produce? The answer is ‘peace’. So there we have the source and there the estuary leading to the sea, the beginning and the end, the initiation, and the purpose for which it is all meant and designed. It is essential for us, therefore, to carry these two words in our minds because within the ellipse formed by grace and peace everything is included.
What is grace? It is a term notoriously difficult to define. Grace essentially means ’unmerited favour’, favour you do not deserve, favour you receive but to which you have no right or title in any shape or form, and of which you are entirely unworthy and undeserving. We may call it condescending love-love coming down, or stopping down. Or we may call it beneficent kindness. All these terms are descriptive of what is meant by this extraordianary term which is constantly put before us in the New Testament, by this amazing and wonderful word ’grace’.


4/14/2009 2:54 am

Nice to meet you. I'm Min from Thailand. God bless you.

(William Watson)
18097 posts
4/14/2009 2:56 pm

hello min, welcome to the land of blogs, nice to see you have made it from the questions and articles to this side of BC, cheers

May the Lord bless you and keep you


4/14/2009 11:41 pm

Hello Mr. Dundeal. Nice to meet you. God bless you. Min