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AngelicAuthor 63F
35 posts
9/18/2005 9:41 am

Last Read:
3/5/2006 9:29 pm

What Happend? I

OK, There was a time standered members were able to send winks and invite friends to network and even sometimes email. So what happend? I'm getting winks but can't wink back at them. Oh well, if your able to write to me and wink please don't think me rude? This site just won't let me do anything, but change my profile and post blogs. So here I am. There was one I really would have liked to converse with. He sent me a wink and lives in Calif. The next state over from me. He's self employed and plays a guitar. From what I can see in the pic he's not too bad looking, I think you know who you are, Your usser name has God in it. PLease send me a post or email. I do believe you're a silver or gold member so you should be able to send to me. Thanks and this is my frustrating Not being able to at least invite or wink. I feel others are thinking I'm rude for not responding, and sad to say like many we want to meet others, but can't afford to upgrade, so then what do we do? Gods Many blessings.

(William Watson)
18097 posts
9/21/2005 3:08 pm

I feel your pain, in fact it caused me to update one of my blogs as I didn't want people thinking I was rude if I didn't respond, I don't know how to respond, haha, cheers and good luck to you, with that face you should have no trouble finding mister right, cheers Bill

May the Lord bless you and keep you

seabee555 69M

10/30/2005 2:42 pm

I am new here, but am already having to learn the lesson of patience. If you build up your points in the activities you do, then you might be able to upgrade? But i wonder how long it takes?