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Blogs > Tropical_Man > Meriam's Guy |
Have you ever read your contract? Do not place New Wine in Old Wineskin's. The old wineskin's once served their purpose for the wine that was put in them. A few years ago I had a lease with my Landlord Larry. Living in that home, I had to abide by that lease because it was a written agreement that we both agreed to. It was his terms as owner. Now I have a lease with a new landlord Terrance. It is an agreement written by him and signed by me to go a long with his conditions of me living here. Now should something arise that needs to be dealt with, should I ever look at the contract with Larry to use it in my circumstances with where I live now? It would be of no use if I did. I don't live there anymore, but even more important than that, the conditions of the contract are not even under any authority anymore. You may wonder why I say this. But we have a contract, a covenant with God if you will through the blood of Jesus. There was an old contract with God called the Old Covenant. It only was for the Jews, and any gentile had no place in this Old Covenant. So, can we go back to the old agreement between God and the Jewish nation and mix it with the New Covenant of Christ and expect it to be applicable to the New Covenant? I am positive the answer is a resounding No. That does not disqualify the writings of the old covenant as having a place, because it did and it has historical value to understand what God did. In Jer 31:31-34 It says the Old Covenant was imperfect, and a new one was being made to replace it. It also says that when the new one is in place, the Law will be cast out. But, on the hearts of all who receive Christ, God will write "moral" law. We as believers in Christ know what is right and wrong. 1 Timothy 1:9 says the Law was only given to the unrighteous to begin with. Hebrews 8:13 says that the Old Covenant is dead. Paul publicly chided Peter for trying to make the gentiles who were saved follow the law given to the Jews. Paul also spoke to the galatians regarding moving from Grace in Christ back to law keeping and if we started doing that, we were responsible for all the law again. This is why it is important to understand your Covenant in Christ. It is not a mixture of the old house writing that I used to live in with the new house writing that I now live in. Only one is applicable. Many people for some reason think that that new Covenant that we live in started when Jesus was walking and teaching. That is impossible because in order to have that New Covenant, he had to first give his blood as an atonement for the sin of the world. Without atonement there is no Covenant. If you study what was before he gave his life, and what is after, you will be astounded at the changes. Afterwords, you will find no one that has received Christ as savior as having a generational curse broken over them, or a demon cast out of them. Why? because it was taken care of at the cross. Also, the very Holy Spirit of God resides in each born again believer in Christ. Blessing is our heritage in Christ. It isn't something earned. It is a gift. |
12/2/2007 7:10 am |
Amen! Amen! Amen! Good to see you back my brother. ![]() Lord, keep one hand on my shoulder and one hand over my mouth!
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12/2/2007 8:32 am |
Amen Fidget. It amazes me,the argument that if we accept a gift,then we are guilty of saying we achieved salvation by works. How,if I receive a gift dose that amount to a righteous act on my part? I did nothing to deserve it,I simply received it when it was offered. Sorry if I have butted in on your post Brother. GBY stevie "This is the year of the favor of our God" "Your time has come to shine. All your dreams are on their way. See how they shine."(Bridge over troubled waters)
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Our Covenenant with God is so simple and yet it covers everything we will ever need. The banquet table is now, but I like many took a long time to realize we need to sit down in order to fully partake of the blessings.