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Tropical_Man 68M
6573 posts
2/9/2012 5:44 pm
What is Love?

There are many people today who seem to think that love is so easy. They do not take into full consideration what it means to hold your partners heart in their hand and protect it. This is an age where there are many deal breakers between couples. If one person does not get their own way, many times the person is ready to move on to the next person..

A concept of being a soul mate is thrown around. Some people will tell you after many attempts at love that there is no such thing. To them I would say, you need to realize that it does exist. The problem is that it is a very unselfish concept where it ceases to be all about you. Real soul mates exist in a relationship when both partners dig to learn all about each other and they both do little things that they know the other person will receive joy from. They do not do these things to get anything back, rather the joy they get in return is in knowing how much it blesses their mate. These selfless acts are what is real Love.

The easy part is the intimacy. It is easy to hold hands, kiss, caress the one that you are attracted to. These are the most personal of outward actions involving two people that have declared their love for one another, or even in just dating. The emotional part of their relationship that is expressed. The interesting dynamic that comes into play is how each person feels. You can not treat your partner poorly and inconsiderately and expect them to feel good about being around you, talking with you if you do not treat them with respect and are attentive to their feelings.

The bible states that Love is patient, it is kind, it is long suffering and does not seek itself. There have never been a truer statement made. This is how you should discern your attitude towards your mate and how they can view your actions as well. Do not do this to use it against them, only to reason about what goes on in your life on a daily basis. As we should evaluate ourselves and our actions, it is also wise to look at the relationship to try and keep it in a healthy way.

There is an old saying that marriage is not like hot rice that you spit out of your mouth. It means that just because something gets very difficult, you do not just give up. This is so true. We will all have disagreements. That is normal. It is important to not go into disagreements as if you do not get your way, then it is all over. Maturity is when you go into each disagreement with the approach of a decision to be made that helps the relationship in a mutual way. In Christianity we are taught to die to ourselves and embrace Christ. It is similar in a marriage. Be less of yourself and realize you are declared in marriage to be one flesh, united; yet two people. So we should nurture that one flesh that God has put together. That is what Love is.

~I wrote this for a different purpose than this note, but in the end something else was used so I am putting it here...Dennis~

Overcaffeinated 61F
9021 posts
2/9/2012 8:56 pm

Good Post Dennis. I don't ever want to date again personally and haven't in years. I do believe in courtships that led to marriage. However, with that said, I know that it's not something for me because I cannot make that kind of commitment.

I think a lot of people are often in love with the notion of being in love but do not realize the gravity of the commitment in the act of truly loving another in a marriage.