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Tropical_Man 68M
6573 posts
12/10/2011 11:17 am

by Mike Blume


The key to interpreting the Revelation is, for the most part, the Old Testament. Period.

And you apply these symbols used in Revelation that were taken from the Old Testament to the life of Jesus and the early church. You find the stories of the Old Testament, from which Revelation takes references, actually PARALLEL Jesus and the early church!

I guarantee, that if you were to start recognizing this, you would wonder in absolute glory at the wisdom of God in ending the Bible with this book! (And I might add you would chuckle at the literal interpretation). You would!

First of all, Revelation begins using TEMPLE SYMBOLS. Candlesticks mentioned as being BEHIND JOHN, who has to TURN and see where the voice comes. When he TURNS, he sees the seven candlesticks (the seven-branched menorah). If he had to TURN, then where in the tabernacle would he have faced if the candlesticks were directly BEHIND HIM? They were SOUTH in the holy place. That means, John faced NORTH.


John was truly FEASTING in the Spirit on the bread and wine!

Revelation tells us that the spirit of prophecy is the TESTIMONY OF JESUS. What is the testimony of Jesus? Why, none other than the DEATH, BURIAL AND RESURRECTION, and His ascendant glory!

Revelation is speaking about THAT. Its NOT the end of the world that is in mind. Its a REVELATION of Jesus, and HIS COVENANT!

Now, how is a two hundred million membered army from China, according to futurist Hal Lindsay, going to glorify Christ and His covenant?

What about a computer chip?

THE FATE OF ISRAEL is throughout Revelation. If we can see this covenantal aspect in the book, showing how the cross ended Law in a spiritual and internal manner, and how God THEN dealt with externally removing every OLD COVENANT ASPECTS, which we rendered empty and futile at the cross, we would bound forth a million mile in progress in studying this book.

No greater change took place on earth since Adam was cast out of Eden and God gave law to Moses, than the cross that ended law and the immediate generation years that followed which removed all traces of law's ritual, and ONLY CONFIRMED, not actualized, the New Testament precedence!

One more VERY important note we must see. REVELATION PARALLELS EZEKIEL PERFECTLY!

Ezekiel is the Old Testament version of Revelation. You start in Ezekiel with the chariot of Cherubims, and Christ seated atop on a sapphire throne. Christ is seen as golden or amber from his loins upward, and fire from his loins downward (see last few verses of Ezek. 1). And this is Christ all over again in Rev 1, where he is girt about the paps with gold and his legs like brass burning in a furnace!

And the throne of Rev 4 is identical to the throne He sits upon in Ezekiel. A rainbow is around it.

And even the sealed book is noted in EZEKIEL 3! Written within and on the backside. And Ezekiel is told to eat the ROLL, while John eats the unsealed book in Revelation 10!

The book of Ezekiel follows Revelation all the way through... AND DEALS WITH JERUSALEM!! Ezekiel 16 calls Jerusalem the , just Like Revelation does in chapter 17 and 18. And Rev 18:24 matches Jesus words about Jerusalem in Matthew 23:35.

I do not have time to note every single parallel. The two books identify with each other all the way through! Even to Ezekiel 5 where the city is divided three ways by representation of Ezekiel's HAIR that is 1/3 burnt, 1/3 cast to the wind and 1/3 part smitten with a knife. Ever read of a CITY divided into THREE PARTS during an earthquake in Revelation? HINT HINT.

Ezekiel ends with a HUGE TEMPLE with a river coming out of it, with trees on either side whose leaves are medicine for the nations and the fruit comes forth in her months. (Read Ezekiel 47). Revelation has ONE TREE, with leaves and fruit in the precise same manner.

And the City in Revelation is ONE HUGE MOST HOLY PLACE. It is a cube, just as the ORACLE, or most holy place was in 1 Kings 6:20. And the river is there with the tree of life and the fruit.

Why many trees in Ezekiel 47, and only one tree in Rev 22:1? Because it is Christ. The tree has many branches. ,Psalm 1:3 speaks about saints as trees planted BY THE WATER (the river of life in Rev 22), whose leaf does not whither, and fruit is always there. Note that leaves and fruit were distinctly noted in Rev 22:1 and Ezek 47:12?

Its Christ and the church. Isaiah calls us trees of righteousness. This is analogous to John 15's Vine and branches.
Someone pointed this out to me.